Should I take the AP computer sciences course

<p>My school canceled all computer science classes when I was a entering my freshman year. But I applied computer science for most of my classes. I know a little about programming. I also made this thread before, but I wasn't sure whether it would help my chances. Should I take the AP computer science?</p>

<p>It depends, I would recommend you at least know simple HTML coding. Otherwise, if you are willing to learn and can take it on, I know quite a few people who have gone straight into the AP course.</p>

<p>What exactly is your situation? You say that there are no CS classes, but you want to “take the AP Computer Science”. What does that mean? Are you referring to the test itself?</p>

<p>AP CS is structured such that if you didn’t take the course you will have a tough time with it. As I recall, there’s this code project that you work on throughout the year and during the exam you might be asked to expand a function in that code. Without familiarity with this code, you may not get a high score.</p>

<p>Edit: I should probably mention I’m referring to CS AB which is no longer offered because of its lack of popularity. Let me tell you right now that AP CS isn’t taken as credit many places because it’s pretty easy.</p>

<p>If you like programming, this is a good set of topics to learn. The AP computer science AB test will not available after this May, so plan ahead to get ready if you want to take it.</p>

<p>yes I mean the test #3, and I know HTML to #2
ooh so I might do AP CS</p>

<p>I applied CS for most of my <b>schools</b>
I’m gonna just try the ap central tests if they have those, or find a book at the library. If not, no point in trying to study for it.</p>

<p>AP computer sci A doesn’t look too bad. Any my schools give the same amount of creds as AP comp sci B. And it’s in C++. Whoopee everything worked out!</p>