Should I take the SAT after a poor ACT exam?

<p>I am currently a freshman at a small university and am looking to transfer. My ACT score was 24 and I don't know if I should take the SAT with subject tests (Physics and Math/Chemistry). Since I know the ACT was supposed to be taken at an important time, I didn't know if I should take that SAT even if I believe I can vastly improve. I have high aspirations, MIT-Berkeley-UChicago-Caltech sort of aspirations.</p>

<p>So is it worth it to take the SAT next year before I transfer into my junior year?</p>

<p>Unless a college requires you take the SAT/ACT as a jr transfer, you should forget about standardized testing and concentrate on your college coursework.</p>

<p>Let’s assume they do.</p>