<p>Ive taken the sat twice and im going into senior year + im planning on superscoring but should i take it a third time?</p>
<p>CR: 560
M: 670
W: 660</p>
<p>CR: 560
M: 710
W: ~600</p>
<p>Also if im sendin my scored to a college that only looks at CR + M should i even superscore? </p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
<p>There is no point in superscoring for a school that does not consider writing since your CR+M score would be the same even if you just submitted the second test date. </p>
<p>Whether or not you retake depends on the colleges you are considering.</p>
<p>Thanks. But am i taking any big risks if i dont do better than my previous scores?</p>
<p>yairnazz - </p>
<p>Your math score looks nice now, and writing is decent, but that CR score is ja bit low. Is English your second language? Do you run out of time in that section? You should do some serious prep for the CR section and if you feel that you can raise that score, you should re-take the SAT. Princeton Review publishes the best prep materials for mastering test-taking strategies. Barrons has better material for vocabulary. You also could pick up some of the “SAT novels” so that you learn the vocabulary in context. Here is one list: <a href=“http://www.crsd.org/5034212510210/lib/5034212510210/SAT_Novel_List.pdf[/url]”>http://www.crsd.org/5034212510210/lib/5034212510210/SAT_Novel_List.pdf</a></p>
<p>Good Luck!</p>