Should I take the USH subject test?

<p>So I go to a big school and my guidance counselor is of little help...I am taking APUSH this year and I understand that there will be a subject test for USH on June 6 and I have some questions about it.</p>

<p>1.) Should I take it even though I am only a sophomore and could potentially take one of the chem or math subject tests?<br>
2.) Is there a writing section or is it all multiple choice?
3.) Will my score automatically get sent to colleges or do I self report the scores?
4.) Is this one of the easier subject tests or are they all about the same?
5.) How necessary are subject tests if I want to go to like, Northwestern or somewhere comparable?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>90-95 multiple choice; 60 minutes.</p>

<p>[Institutions</a> Using Subject Tests](<a href=“What were SAT Subject Tests? - College Board Blog”>What were SAT Subject Tests? - College Board Blog) - there’s a list of all the schools that require Subject Tests. Northwestern is on there. I’d take one math, one humanity (history or english) and then one science. A lot of schools require two, but the tippy top require three.</p>

<p>it’s not a problem taking subject tests as a sophomore, but why not wait till next year when you take US as a class? just curious…</p>



<p>She’s already taking it. :)</p>

<p>oops, totally read over that part by accident…
go for it! i heard the curve is pretty generous…</p>

<p>Yea APUSH and World SAT II’s have great curves!
So do Math II, Physics and to a lesser extent Chem.</p>

<p>Yeah, I think I will take it this June. Thank you! :)</p>