<p>Basically, I signed up for mgmt 19 - the fiat lux on ebay and craigslist... I thought it was a neat topic and such plus its an honors unit (I'm in the honors program) so it would be an easy pass - I just can't seem to reason spending 100+ on a stupid book (it is needed cause we use the cds that are included). I've done great so far, saving over 60 percent from the ucla text costs... But this book just came out and is very expensive.</p>
<p>Any opinions</p>
<p>Don’t waste your money. I took that fiat lux last year and the teacher hardly cares if you read it or not. If you do buy and read it, you’ll have more to contribute to discussions and have a better idea of what he’s talking about but it’s not necessary to pass. He never asked us to use the CD either.
Unless you really want an easy honors unit, I don’t recommend that class. All we ever did was brainstorm profitable products to sell on ebay and share it with the class, or listen to the teacher’s stories about his questionable business practices. He had some interesting things to say, but my friends and I agreed we didn’t learn much.</p>
<p>Oh darn. Im signed up for this class and was thrilled to take it…but now…hahahaha</p>
<p>its okay though its not that bad i hope</p>
<p>where do we find out what books we need for the classes we signed up for?</p>
<p>lartic77, what were the finals like?</p>
<p>Yeah…it’s not that bad if you have the time for it. The positive thing I got out of that fiat lux was making some good friends to complain about the teacher with. haha</p>
<p>To find your books, there’s a link under your Study List on URSA that says “All Textbooks for the Term.” </p>
<p>As for the final, (if you’re only asking about mgmt 19), we didn’t really have one. The teacher didn’t have a plan and he made up assignments as he went. The biggest assignment was to give a formal presentation about our business product and convince the class why it would sell. He said our “final” would be a group project in which each team had to sell a DVD drive on ebay but we never got around to it. In the end, he was like “my wife says you guys are good kids so I’m going to pass you all.” haha I hope he’ll be easy on your class too.</p>
<p>whoa thats cool hahahaha! i hope so, i registered cause i thought it would be a pretty easy going and chill class to have fun in and get at least SOME learning out of </p>
<p>thanks for textbook info!</p>