Should I update my ED school?

I am continuing bio research from last year (the person I was working with told me we had inconclusive results but he realized he was wrong so he’s continuing) and I will be given a higher position and maybe a co-author in like 6 months when everything is finished. I am also about to finish a short animated film (probably in 1.5 weeks) that I said I was still working on in my activities section. Should I send an update email to my ED school about this?

I don’t see value in sending an update about things that haven’t happened. If you finish your film and the school allows an art supplement you might submit it though whether it’ll get looked at with such short notice remains to be seen.

Unless I’m missing something, you’re continuing to do what you said you would be doing on your applications. So no, that does not warrant an update. Completing a project you said was underway does not warrant an update. Being a co-author on] something accepted for publication does warrant an update, but it sound that if/when it happen, it will be well past the time when decisions are made.