Should I use the free score reports or just play it safe?

Hello everyone! I haven’t been able to find any articles on this kind of thing so I figure I would post my situation here.

Basically, my SAT score is a little too low for my target schools so I sent my current score to them (just to ensure that at least one score made it to them on time for the early January deadline) and I took the SAT this past weekend. Unfortunately, the only way my new score will potentially get to my schools on time is if I use the free score reports. Also unfortunately, I didn’t prep as much as I had hoped and therefore might’ve done worse on it (though at the same time I was much more alert this time around so maybe I did better?) Only time will tell, and I don’t have time to be using score choice to make application deadlines.
TL;DR my question is, do I just play it safe and send the free scores to my safety schools in case my new score is lower than the first time? Or should I just go for it and send my stretch schools what could potentially be a higher score?

Go ahead and send them. The school will keep the highest scores anyway.

Never ignore free unless you know of an actual disaster.