Should I Withdraw UC Application

So I got into Columbia ED and a lot of people at my school told me I should withdraw my UC application now that I was admitted. Is this a good idea?

Part of the agreement in applying ED is that you withdraw all other applications and decline any earlier acceptances once accepted to the ED schools.

Yes, you must withdraw. As tempting as it is to see your results, withdrawing is part of the agreement.

If you don’t withdraw your applications, and Columbia finds out, then they could rescind your offer. It’s also unfair to other applicants. Remember – if you don’t withdraw your UC application and you get accepted, someone somewhere who would have gotten admitted instead was rejected or waitlisted. That’s wrong and cruel. The fact that you’re asking such a question on this board is troubling. Get your act together and do what you promised!

And you should withdraw your Cornell application immediately as well. Especially the Ivy league schools, their Admission offices have connections and communicate with each other. If Columbia finds out you did not withdraw your Cornell application, they may rescind their offer.

Withdraw every application to other campuses. Part of the Early Decision agreement is that you will withdraw all other applications once you are admitted.

If you were admitted ED and the net price after FA is ok, then you should uphold the ED agreement you previously agreed to, which means matriculating to the ED school, withdrawing other pending applications, and informing other schools who have already admitted you that you will not be attending.

This is a good test for how ethically you will live your adult life. You signed an agreement. Time to live up to it.

Congrats! Now. read the terms of the agreement and be sure to comply with them.

On one thread you said you were low income. Does Columbia meet 100% of need? I thought only wealthy people apply ED. I would hate for you to pull your UC apps only to find you can’t afford. Columbia.