Should student reference AP score of 3 on common app

Here’s the situation:
In order to balance other academics and extra curriculars, student chose to take Honors Bio instead of AP. Student bought an AP review book, did some prep, sat for AP Bio Exam and scored a 3. At two of the six schools on student’s list a 3 on AP Bio will get give student credit for freshman bio class. This AP score will not be on school transcript. Student’s intended major is business (not science) and student is looking primarly at state flagships with direct admit business programs.

Should student reference the 3 on common app? And if so where/how?
It seems to me that it shows the ability to prioritize/balance but also ambition to self study for the exam. (So maybe as a passing reference in an essay or additional info section?)
On the other hand, it is a 3.
Would love to hear what you all think about this! Thanks!

I can make the case either way when deciding to send to a school that gives credit for a 3. So, up to your student what they want to do.

Things to consider: Are the schools they would be sending to reaches? Are there other AP scores they will be reporting? Do they have a strong ACT/SAT score?

AP scores are self-reported in the testing section under the Common App tab. I would not write about this, self studying for an AP test doesn’t justify the space.

I would not send to any school that does not give credit for a 3.

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I personally wouldn’t. I don’t see it helping nor hurting but it could cause confusion - why it’s there if he didn’t take the class. After he’s accepted he can then see if they’ll give credit.

I think schools want to see the class, not just the test. I think the AP folks like self testing - more $$. But not sure anyone else does.

No I wouldn’t write an essay or additional info about it. I’d let it go - that’s me. I don’t think that’s anything that’s selling a kid or telling a school why they should take them. I think if he goes to a school that accepts a 3, then you can report it at that time.

Not what you want to hear. But I’m sure the student has much better and more impactful or interesting things to write about.

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Thank you–appreciate your perspective!

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Makes perfect sense! Thanks for the advice.

Another one who says no. It comes off as he is not willing to stretch himself or at the risk of preserving his GPA. Taking the course is always more important than self studying


I never thought of that! I’m so glad I posted the question here!

I’m not sure I necessarily make this connection. Too many students have scheduling constraints, meaning they can’t take all the classes they want to in any given year. For example, a student might not be able to take AP Psych because it was only offered at the same time as AP Lit. Even though we know this student took honors over AP, AOs won’t know why.

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Truth is, I don’t think we know what anyone thinks…each individual is different…sometimes even AM to PM :slight_smile:

Was there a reason that he did not take the course?

What will his 3 look like in comparison to the students who took the course and the exam ( those are the people that he will be in the pool with?

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Our school CC advised to ONLY report 4 and 5 scores. For a student with a high GPA, a 3 does not add anything to the application.

She doesn’t have the AP class on her transcript, so she doesn’t need to worry that a poor score will make her A in the course less credible (although I wouldn’t change my advice for that.)

If she enrolls at a school that will give credit for the 3, she can send it then from the CB. Not sharing the score on the application, where it is self reported, doesn’t impact that.


Don’t put in the essay. I know where you are going with this but it adds no value. Showcase the student.


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