Should we just assume we're deferred?

Should the students that applied early action and didn’t receive anything yet assume they’re deferred? I have friends that applied for regular decision that are already getting accepted, and I did apply to SOM with a 92 weighted average and a 2000 (1360 CR + M) sat score so I can’t say im really in the range to definitely be accepted, so should I just assume im deferred? My sat ll’s are Math l - 720 Math ll - 760 us history - 550 but I doubt theyd take my math sat ll’s to consideration

Some schools will defer or wait list to see if students really want to come. These are schools that are often viewed as safety schools by the majority of their applicants. To protect their yield they may wait to see if those not yet accepted call in to express concern-show interest. Can’t say if this is true for this situation. Schools should show consideration of their applicants too.What do you mean that you doubt they’d take your math 2’s into consideration tho.

Wow, RD applicants receiving notification before EA applicants. Definitely not cool. Daughter has assumed she was deferred but would be nice to have notification. We can’t show interest if we don’t know of her official status.

I’ve been waiting and it just updated to decision made and I can pay my deposit so keep the faith (and check your status)!

I also applied to SOM with stats similar to you and have yet to get anything

nothing here as well.

@lostaccount my son also applied SOM and has not heard. I would be very surprised if he did not get in bc others that have been accepted from our school do not have his stats, but you never know. SOM maybe a little slower in releasing decisions…Just a thought…Good luck!

My D hasn’t heard yet or had website change from Complete and ready to review to decided. Also SOM. Maybe @cbpmom is correct and they are a little slower in releasing decisions. In either case, they have to decide in 4 days. Torture but we have no choice but to wait.

Have the high school GCs check the status.

Does anybody know of someone who was already accepted to the SOM? I too submitted my app in october and it still say’s its being reviewed.

A friend of mine was accepted to SOM.

should I be concerned if my status still says complete ready for review?

Ik two people who were accepted today. One got an email and the other’s status changed to decision made and was able to pay the deposit around 4pm today. We are still waiting.

@wormer97…would u know if the two people accepted today were SOM?

my D was accepted to presidential scholar program at u of albany…is it fair to assume she will get into binghamton SOM? any thoughts? thank you…we are still waiting in “complete waiting for review” limbo

If my application status changed to decision made, and I am unable to pay my deposit is there still a chance I was accepted or should I assume I was denied? Thanks for all previous info in this discussion btw!

has anyone heard from SOM yet because i thought my stats were like theirs but my status still says complete ready for review…

@ging23 i applied to som and havent heard. it has not changed complete ready for review

@ging23 and @turtleneck my daughter applied to SOM still complete ready for review…and she was accepted at the u of albany business school as a presidential scholar…but so far…no word for her EA at binghamton…

Same here. Sons SOM status unchanged, accepted to other schools with scholarship.