Show Me The Way!!!

<p>'Lo people
a teeny problem that I have here
I'm a class of 09 and will be a senior starting, well, tomorrow</p>

<p>I live in So Cal so most of my friends aim for UCs
and it is generally known to everyone here that a physics course is a
mandatory to get into UCs</p>

<p>I've dispensed with physics since 9th thinking I wouldn't go to a UC
Then I was looking at the Harvard website and saw that they "require" physics
as a part of their four-year science schedule thingy</p>

<p>I was gonna take AP Bio this coming senior year
The thing is that AP Physics in our school is... notorious
Most people blame the teacher, so anyway I DON'T want to take AP Phy</p>

<p>So preferentially that leaves only regular CP Phy or stuck with AP Bio for me</p>

<p>Sorry for the long thread, I'll end it soon</p>

<p>Does anyone know whether Yale "require" or see it a model to have a physics in the transcript?
I just don't want schedule changes in the beg of school; heck of a rush if you know what I mean</p>

<p>More important, what should I do? Take AP Bio, AP Phy, or CP Phy?
I don't wanna ruin my perfect GPA with a challenging class; I already have four other APs other than this variable</p>


<p>Take the CP physics!! Senior grades are really only important for the first semester (so study v. hard then) and then just make sure you do OK for the rest of the year so if you get in they don't have a reason to rescind you.</p>

<p>Taking all three "core" sciences is like taking Calculus for the top colleges, except probably even more important. It won't be "automatic reject" if you don't take them but it certainly won't help.</p>

<p>Btw, this is advice I got from a college counselor, since I hate physics too and was originally considering skipping it altogether as well : ) I was informed that that would be a bad idea (our counselors are awesome and know everything there is to know about college admission, so I'm positive you should at least take <em>some</em> physics class).</p>

<p>I took physics in high school, but I never took chemistry (still haven't and never plan to). I got into Yale. I assume physics is the same. It's not necessary - it might be nice, but you don't need it. Also, since when do you need it for the UCs - I'm from California, and the science requirement as I recall it doesn't specify specific classes, it just requires 3 (I think) years of science.</p>

<p>I didn't take physics, and only had 3 years of science in total, but was still accepted, so not taking doesn't seem to be an absolute barrier to admission. </p>

<p>In my case, however, my school didn't offer physics at AP level and I would also have had to prematurely stop one of the 3 languages I was taking to fit it in. It was clear that it just didn't make sense to take it, rather than looking like I was trying to avoid taking a tough class, so perhaps it depends a little on the context.</p>