Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity

Yesterday I went to the rush party at Sigma Alpha Mu frats-the one that has been working to revive its Tau chapter since 2012-and guess what: I got a bid!(Wish I could upload the picture)

Even though it’s very likely that I won’t be able to be a part of Sigma Alpha Mu due to many problems I am facing now, I am actually attracted to this fraternity.

Can anyone here tell me how SAM is like? how different is it from other frats, what are the main focus of this frat, etc? I would like to join in later years if possible…

Since there are mostly parents here, I doubt you will find much information. SAM is a traditionally Jewish group that has pledged men of other faiths for many years now. That’s about all I know!

Really? I thought Zeta Beta Tau is the only Jewish fraternity…I never felt Jewish stuff like menorah lol. I liked it anyway.

There are a couple more that don’t have UA chapters. Like I said, the “Sammies” as they used to be called are no longer all-Jewish. Glad you liked it.

If you like the guys, you’ll love the experience. I’m a national board member for SAM and very proud of the effort our guys in Alabama are putting forward. Aside from the lifelong friendships you will develop over really building that chapter. You have the opportunity to be part of maturing SAM to compete on a VERY greek campus. This would include growing the membership, improving the programming and laying the groundwork for a house that we will help to finance. A lot of people think greek life is all about manufactured friends and easy access to parties… it couldn’t be further from the truth. This is an opportunity to lead and to be a part of something bigger than yourself.

Good luck with whatever direction you choose, but I hope you give SAM a good loook.