Ughh… My entire high school career I’ve been drilled to write thesis based essays. Now I have to “show who I am” and don’t even know where to get started!
Does anyone know of somewhere that shows how to do the type of writing admissions officers are looking for. Or, someplace (not this forum obviously) where I can get some quality feedback on my draft.
I used a free site called Story2. It helped break down the process into simple steps so it was easy for me to write. The site is free, but I decided to get feedback from their coaches too, which I had to pay for, but it was super helpful.
Hope that helps 
Two books I got for my students. They don’t actually use them - but I think they are valuable!
“100 Successful College Application Essays” compiled and edited by Members of the Staff of The Harvard Independent
And “The College Application Essay” Sarah Myers McGinty
These are in " marks because I don’t know how to underline the titles in CC.
I am sure there are tons of other books like these. Go to the library or the bookstore.
@vintage95 What are there coaches like? I’ve had my English teacher and guidance counselor help me up to this point and it’s really just more of the same stuff I get in school.
@lots2do Thanks for the book suggestions! Lol I’m probably like your kids and only read a book as a last resort… I want to get these essays over with as soon as possible.
Yep, that’s what I liked about Story2. I could go online and get my essays done. My coach was actually really cool. Ge was an Ivy league grad and a musician (which is what I want to pursue) so we connected instantly. He just knew the right types of questions to ask and it wasn’t at all like working with a teacher.
Yeah, the site is legit. I used it last year and got exactly what I was looking for. Highly recommend Story2.
I will suggest Story2 to my S. Books are so last year. Thanks!
Haha! I guess I’m another guilty-as-charged parent. I bought a stack of books that are gathering dust! I think I’ll have to check out this online offering. It seems like something my kid would actually use and the prices are reasonable to add on coaching and feedback to the free toolkit.
I’m actually subscribed to Story2’s mailing list. They sent out a coupon code, SUCCESS20, for 20% of all services and it’s good through October 15th.
Thanks @desertflowers70 I will definitely use this code and pay it forward!
Dunno why u think an essay about yourself shouldn’t be thesis-based.
In the essay, u state upfront in the intro section what kind of person you are.
You give examples in the body.
You close by reiterating the key points of your thesis in the conclusion.