Singer Invites-- Who's actually going?

<p>Thought you can use a Mom's perspective on Singers Scholarship/Foote Fellows</p>

<p>Son is attending UM and is a Foote Fellow.</p>

<p>According to him , not all Singer Scholars are Foote Fellows, but all Foote Fellows are Singer Scholars.</p>

<p>The Singer Weekend was great for him and husband. Wined and dined the kids and gave them the "we want you" impression. It was not like other schools that have an attitude that you should be happy we may accept you.</p>

<p>Interview was incredible. Met with a professor and grad student that told him they picked him to interview because of the teacher recs. The prof really wanted to meet my son. </p>

<p>Son has taken numerous honors classes,at high levels, even as a freshman. </p>

<p>The "scholars and especially "foote fellows" are treated very well by the university. The only ones to be treated better are the athletes. It has been a very positive experience so far. </p>

<p>Campus/kids/school in general is all very personal. Check it out for yourself. </p>

<p>Good luck to all of you. If you are Singer's candidates, I'm sure you'll have some great schools to choose from.</p>

<p>Crazed, can you please explain the Foote Fellow situation. My DH was there with DS and
got the impression anyone there that weekend would be a Foote Fellow if they matriculated, whether they won the Singer or not. Is this true?</p>

<p>^^I don't know if your husband was in the parent's meeting when I asked about Foote Fellows. The speaker explained the program. Then, he came back after another question was answered and said he didn't think he had explained that all of the Singer Scholars would be Foote Fellows. I didn't hear him say all Singer finalists, but all Singer Scholars.</p>

<p>Crazed- was your son one of the mentors for the weekend? It seemed that many of the mentors were freshmen. Great kids.</p>

I was surprised that there were so many students there. There is a lot of competition for the scholarships.<br>
My son hasn't heard anything yet.</p>

<p>I am a current student who received the Singer Scholarship and I am a Foote Fellow. I have friends who are Foote Fellows who did not receive the Singer Scholarship. Crazed I think you got the sentence backwards.</p>

<p>I may have gotten it backward. </p>

<p>Son is studying abroad this term so he was not at the Singer Weekend. Last year he gave tours.</p>

<p>New42 can tell you more, as he is a student, but this is what I understand about Foote Fellows at least form my son. </p>

<p>Foote Fellows are invited to live together on a floor in Hecht for Freshman year. They are exempt from general requirements of the university, ie, they take required courses for their major, but can take the rest of their credits as electives which allows them to pursue their interests. Many of these students, if not all, have many AP credits, so they've taken lots of college level courses as is. The Foote Fellows have seminars/classes open to just this group, have speakers, dinners and outings. </p>

<p>Obviously, being a Singer Scholar is a big perk, especially during the recession and high unemployment rate. If not offered the scholarship, the $24K scholarship is excellent.</p>

<p>Donna Shalala is a wonderful, brilliant woman. Sorry those of you at a recent scholar weekend had such a brief visit. Two years ago she spent time with the families and took photos with the kids. At the parent orientation brunch in August she gave a great speech about the UM "family" and we all felt a part of UM. She was accessible then and we had an opportunity to speak with her.</p>

<p>Obviously, with the economic climate things may change, but so far it has been a wonderful opportunity.</p>

<p>^^^My S is taking a class taught by Donna Shalala this semester and just loves her. She is truly interested in the kids and will make time to meet with any of them. She is often seen walking around campus talking to students. UM has really flourished under her direction.</p>

<p>Just an update: I got foote fellows (and an extra 4 k) without singers. My friend who got a singer, is also a foote fellow.</p>

<p>Has anyone who attended the first Singer weekend heard back yet?</p>

<p>I attended the first Singer weekend, and, just as I was promised, heard back very quickly. </p>

<p>I heard back on 3/7 by email. </p>

<p>So about a week.</p>

<p>anon, an extra 4K is nice! </p>

<p>JJ227 hope your reply was a positive one. </p>

<p>D and I are looking forward to our visit. Anyone else here going this weekend?</p>

It seems you all found out at the beginning of February??? I didn't get my acceptance/scholarship thing/Singer invite until the beginning-ish of March. And I was invited to an April weekend, though I can't go because of school (classes on Saturday), and then they mentioned a March weekend (28-29?) which I can't go to because of extenuating circumstances. Anyway, I'm having a phone interview tomorrow.</p>

<p>It just seems odd that I got this invite/my acceptance beginning of March, while all of you got yours in February (I didn't submit my application until mid-December, but...?)</p>

<p>The people who found out in February applied Early Action. I'm guessing that you applied regular decision and therefore received your acceptance later on. Good luck with your interview.</p>

<p>Yeah I think I figured that out this afternoon. Someone on here said we find out the results "very soon after" as in they already found it out, but during my interview the guy said I'll know in a few weeks. I'm assuming it's what he said?</p>

<p>D and i returned from the Singer weekend today. Thanks to all your input, i had some idea of what toexpect. We arrived 1 day early in order to take the campus tour (good idea) and attend an accepted students info session (bit of a waste of time for us). Before the dinner on Fri night, we went down to the lobby about 10 min early and made a few friends and sat with them for dinner. One of the students and my D have a friend in common, so there was plenty of conversation flowing between them. I met some lovely parents as well. We ate breakfast with the same group. D exchanged info with a few of the kids.</p>

<p>Based on what I read here, D and I sat in on the Voodoo (Vodou) and Santeria class. It was quite fascinating. D wants to take a course with the professor if she goes to UM!</p>

<p>D found her interview to be pretty intense. She was asked about her Common App essay, and also asked to reply to the essay question that she DIDN'T answer on the app. She was also asked about her EC's and if she plans to continue them at UM. </p>

<p>We were both very pleased with the weekend overall, and UM is still high on her list even if she doesn't get the Singer. </p>

<p>Good luck to all, and please post whether or not you have been offered the Singer award.</p>

<p>University of Miami staff did an excellent job during the recent Singer Scholarship Weekend. Son and I left with very postive feeling for the university and the ablity to get top notch education there. My son met some really neat prospective students, we liked the feeling of the satisfaction of the student panels we heard. We also attended the Vodoo and Santeria lecture by Professor Maldonado, which, by the way was fantastic.
He felt his interview was pretty straight forward but he had done about 8 admission interviews prior to this one. He did feel that by having a student and a professor doing the interview it was more dynamic. They ask him about his essay being more of a social science commentary despite his being a biochemistry major.
Dr. Shalala gave an interesting ending lecture. We get the feeling UM is committed to top notch students and trying hard to recruit those same types of students. Son has been accepted to Northwestern, Harvey Mudd, Rice and Pomona as well as UM. He is waiting to hear from the Ivies today. Even without the Singer, UM is much higher on his list after our experience this weekend.
I would highly recommend attend the event if you are invited.</p>

<p>Holmespoint, did D and I meet you and your S in the parking garage elevator and talk about the Vodou class?</p>