Singer Scholarship Finalists

<p>Anyone else get the e-mail today?
If so, are you planning on going?
Also, does anyone know how many finalists there are and how many full scholarships they award?</p>

<p>Sorry for all the questions! TIA!</p>

<p>yeah I got the email as well.</p>

<p>does anyone have any more info on it?</p>

<p>I got the email too, but I won't be going. I've lost interest in Miami since I first applied.</p>

<p>A couple of questions, please, for those who have gotten the e-mail about the Singer Scholarship.<br>
1) Had you already been offered a lesser scholarship, and this was just about getting an upgrade?
2) Did you receive a follow-up snail mail invitation?</p>


<p>No snail mail invite here yet. I originally got $24k/year, and now have the chance for full tuition. Hope that helps!</p>

<p>Thanks for responding! Now I can answer my own question - my daughter originally got the $24K a year, and today she got a snail mail with the invitation and a chance for the Singer. Never did get an e-mail and when we looked into it we found out that they had an incorrect e-mail address for her.</p>

<p>I guess we won't be seeing you in Miami next month because you've lost interest, but good luck wherever you go!</p>

<p>Thanks, and good luck to your daughter!</p>

<p>My son's acceptance packet had the 24,000 scholarship info in it but apparently he received the email inviting him to the Singer weekend. Busy time for him (ECs) so he's trying to make arrangements to get away.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many compete for this scholarship and what percent get it?</p>

<p>Only a week left before balmy Miami!!
When I was visiting the campus this summer, they touched on this scholarship and stated that they awarded about 20 per year.<br>
Hope this helps :)</p>

<p>Just out of curiousity, do they pay for your flight to come to this weekend?</p>

<p>Unfortunately no and with spring break prices, it's not cheap to fly - especially if the student can't miss additional school days. UMiami does pay for 2 nights at the Marriott for the students and their parents... Maybe only those really interested in UM pay to attend the weekend.</p>

<p>I didn't go to the interview (I had lost interest in Miami) and was notified today I was awarded the scholarship. Did this happen to anyone else?</p>


<p>You got the scholarship without attending. That's great. They stated not only that you had to attend, but attend the whole time and not miss any sessions. Good for you!</p>

<p>My husband and son went down (yes, expensive to fly right before the holidays) and had a surprisingly great time. They treated these kids like gold and made them realize Miami has so much to offer them. What started out as a "safe school" became something very realistic. HE loved the campus and feel of the place. .... and from a parents can be anything and go anywhere....</p>

<p>My son realized UM is offering a lot in both merit money and education/honors etc. Passing up on his first choice Berkeley for this which is fine with us.
We think he will have the opportunity to shine and excel at Miami. They also have great Law and Med schools and accept many (up to 60) AP credits!</p>

<p>Good luck to you wherever you go.</p>

<p>Any other Singer Scholars choosing to attend??</p>

<p>Yeah I just found out yesterday that I got it as well. But I think I'm going to pass it up for USC even though I'm not getting any merit aid from them. It's a hard decision, but I think that USC has more to offer and has a greater amount of prestige than UM.</p>

<p>My son got the Singer but he doesn't plan to attend. He was really interested in UM's combined medical school program but he didn't get in (and he was discouraged by Joe Montgomery from applying to the med pgm after freshman yr). So instead he will go elsewhere. He plans to attend Brown University (got into PLME). The merit $ would have been nice. Good Luck to everyone choosing UM.</p>

thats son got into the honors program in medicine but DID not get the Singer...
we were really hoping..we went for the weekend, had a great time, he had a good feeling after the interview, but it was not meant to be</p>

<p>InSearchOfSanity, I've heard of other schools doing the same thing. If you get the med pgm, they figure you'll come and won't give you the big $. If you don't get the pgm, they offer the big $ so you come anyway... My son was lucky. He got great FA pkgs from Brown and Yale so it took some sting out of UM's rejection... I wonder how many kids at the Singer weekend will wind up at UM. About half we spoke with had plans to go elsewhere. Good luck to your son.</p>

<p>My daughter got the Singer Scholarship and will be attending University of Miami. Although she received admission offers to every other school she applied to, only USC and UM offered her merit money. The National Merit Scholarship awards at the other schools were not significant enough to make a dent in those high tuition prices! Since, although we are not rich, we did not qualify for ANY financial aid based on need, there really was no choice to be made! (And, as it happens, she loved the Singer Competition weekend and had a great time at the school, so we're all happy!)</p>