Singer Scholarship Weekend

<p>Anyone who attended Singer Scholarship Weekend care to give some details about what went on?</p>

<p>just got back. Stayed at Marriot Dadeland because it had airport shuttle and university bus transportation too.</p>

<p>Friday --had a nice dinner, 5 students spoke about their college experiences.
Sat–started at 9 am, after the opening statements, we split into groups to go to mock classes, then came back to listen to the deans of engineering, music and marine biology ( I think). Split into groups to eat lunch with a student mentor and then the students went to their interviews and parents went to the parent q/a session. </p>

<p>Students were divided into groups A-B-C-D, possibly by alphabetical order (DD has last name beginning with Sh and dd was in the last D group). Kids were interviewed by a faculty member and student member, and were asked about info in their application, so DD was asked about her choral activites and her last summer mission trip to Trinidad. </p>

<p>We were told that all who went to Singer weekend would get results in a couple of weeks and all would get at least a little more scholarship money. . .only 20 - 25% would get the singer scholarship.</p>

<p>There was a diverse group of students that we met. . . ny, Chicago, Missouri, lots of floridians, Ohio, etc. Lots of premed and neuro bio type majors.</p>

<p>For the Closing session, we heard closing remarks by Dr. Donna Shalala whom I really enjoyed hearing from. The whole event ended around 4:30 pm, and we barely made our 6:45 pm back to calif flight.</p>

<p>mom of four, I think I met you. Were you sitting at the tables waiting for your daughter and the lady from Illinois?</p>

<p>yes, are you the stuident from Florida?</p>

<p>Yes, that’s me. Good luck to your daughter! By the way, I looked back to last year’s posts and it seems they gave the students who attended the weekend an additional 2-4k. That’s pretty good, I think.</p>

Son is a singer scholar and Foote Fellow and has been very happy with his choice to attend Miami. Applied as a financial safety and turned in to a huge Miami fan at the Singer weekend. They really want these kids and the kids know it. Miami is a great place and the kids and parents are made to feel like family.</p>

<p>Congrats to all.</p>

<p>crazed, what state is your son from? My dd would like getting the foote fellow as she is thinking of double majoring in history and communication ( wants to go into law and human rights for her career)</p>

<p>Crazed is right. Miami just tries harder and they are what they say they are.</p>

<p>If that’s the way you are leaning…listen to the inner voice.</p>

<p>I completely agree. I have never in my life seen or heard of an administration and professors who go so out of their way to be helpful and encouraging to their students. Miami just really cares about their students and it shows!</p>

<p>I myself, my husband, sisters, brothers, nephews, nieces have attended the following schools and they are amazed when I tell them about the way Miami treats its student body and the wonderful things they do for them.</p>

<p>U of Chicago
U of Michigan
Boston College
Michigan State
George Washington