Singer Scholarship

<p>Any current or former students receive the Singer (full tuition) scholarship? The minimum criteria include a top 1% class rank, but I was 6/330 (top 2%, but not 1%). Is something like that going to really exclude me from consideration or is it more of just a general guide? I scored a 1530 CR + M SAT whereas the minimum was a 1500. I'll be finding out in about a month or so, just wanted to possibly find out if I had a shot. Good luck to all applicants.</p>

<p>My daughter was fortunate enough to get one of the few Singer's that have been awarded. I can't recall anybody posting that they received a Singer without strict adherence to what criteria was stated although I think one kid bumped up a notch higher (or two ) on rank with a 1570 or a 2370. Sorry, I know that doesn't help much. I think he qualified for 1/2 got 3/4 but I'd have to check the scholarship thread on this board. Actually it might help you to do that. This appears to be a very competitive year.</p>

<p>It sometimes helps to be from a part of the US that is underrepresented - last year someone from Idaho got a 3/4 when he expected a 1/3, perhaps because they have so few kids from Idaho. Haven't kept up on it all this year, but last year we were told they were guidelines not minimums and that each student's whole record is reviewed as decisions are made. My son's school didn't rank but that didn't keep him from getting merit money. Also, just because a student meets the criteria does not guarantee that he or she will get a merit offer. They give very few Singers. Good luck!</p>