Full Scholarships (Singer, Stamps)?

<p>On the University of Miami website it says that the minimum criteria for being considered for a Singer scholarship is to have a 1500 SAT I/34 ACT, A+ average, and top 1% class rank.</p>

<p>What exactly does this mean? Is this like a checklist for which you have to pass all three in order to be considered, or is that sort of just a guideline for a competitive applicant?</p>

<p>Also, how does the selection process for the Singer compare to the Ivy League admission process? </p>

<p>If someone who got an invite to a Singer/Stamps weekend could post their basic stats, that'd be great.</p>

<p>Can you link to the website where it says “that the minimum criteria for being considered for a Singer scholarship is to have a 1500 SAT I/34 ACT, A+ average, and top 1% class rank.” I’ve looked at the website and never saw that.</p>

<p><a href=“https://umshare.miami.edu/web/wda/scholarships/freshmanacademicscholarships.pdf”>https://umshare.miami.edu/web/wda/scholarships/freshmanacademicscholarships.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you very much!</p>

<p>A+ average? But what does that mean!? Is the minimum a 97 or 98?</p>

<p>I don’t really know either. Some schools don’t use the % system and do 4.0 instead. This is pretty much why I’m wondering if there really is a “minimum criteria” or if it’s more holistic like Ivy League admissions</p>

<p>That seems to be an old link. It says school year 2007-2008. D was HS class of 2013 and was ranked 4 or 5 of 115 or so in her prep school class and did receive a Singer scholarship. Those named scholarships mentioned are obsolete. I think they are all referred to as Presidential Scholarships now.</p>

<p>@READYTORETIRE‌ Thanks. Now, did her SAT/ACT score meet the 1500/34? And how much do you think they took her EC’s into account for the Singer scholarship?</p>

<p>Those min stats has no guarantee that they will get you a Singer. My S has ACT 34+, GPA 5.89 and Rank 1/589 and didnt even get a Singer Invite. Try to apply EA/ED and that increases your chances of getting the Singer Invite as compare to RD… </p>

<p>As dadfor2014 mentioned, having high stats isn’t a guarantee of being invited for the Singer/Stamps weekends. I would encourage you, if you haven’t already, to scroll back to earlier threads on the scholarships (from earlier this spring) since there is a lot of information on stats, etc. of invitees. My S went through the process last year but it was different this year based on comments from parents/students.</p>

<p>Applying early action does help. In fact, I believe the invites for the first weekend (Singer and Stamps) are before regular decisions are available - at least in 2013. The last weekend of interviews is usually just for Singer.</p>

<p>Our impression/experience is that Miami is very generous with merit scholarships. Because the university is attracting a stronger applicant pool each year, those scholarships are becoming more competitive. My S (36 ACT, very strong academic record and strong ECs) didn’t receive a Singer (the timing was an issue with the invites for the Frost school students in 2013 so he was only invited for a phone interview a couple of days after the last weekend) but he is a Foote Fellow and has received merit scholarships equal to full tuition. While he doesn’t have the Singer scholar designation, he has similar money (which makes us all happy).</p>

<p>@NEILRRM is correct. looks to me that in 2014 the singer invite went to ED and EA applicants and even from that pool many high stats students were never offered any Singer but they were offered Full Presidential and some Aid Grants to reach the Full tuition. U didn’t even made in the top 10 list for my S and he applied RD but in the End he choose U over many other schools. We were pleasantly surprised by the Offer they made to him which was more then Full Tuition without a singer Invite. </p>

<p>If you really serious about U then apply ED then you have a better chance to get the Singer or even Stamps.</p>

<p>On other note you can not compare the Ivy League admission process with U singer scholarship . Their process is very holistic as compare to U.</p>

<p>I applied Early Action and won the Singer Scholarship and will be a freshman at the University of Miami. I had a 34 ACT, 4.0 GPA (unweighted), and a 4.51 GPA (Weighted), and was 5% when I applied. I went down for the scholarship interview and received the scholarship. Feel free to ask questions if you’d like. </p>

<p>Hey there!! I’ll be a freshman singers scholar in the fall and I can post my stats to help you:
35 ACT
4.0 UW, 5.0 W, Top 5%
President of church youth group
Church worship group member
Presidential service awards multiple years
National Honors Society VP
And some other ECs</p>

<p>Also I took MV Calc/Linear Algebra my senior yr (they saw that on my transcript and seemed to be impressed)</p>

<p>Overall, I don’t consider my resume THAT amazing, but am mainly just thankful for the scholarship also :)</p>

<p>Best wishes for your snr yr (it was my favorite but also most emotional yr!)</p>

<p>Oh and apply EA!</p>

<p>All the Stamps Scholars have many choices to top schools and many turned down Ivies or top schools with full tuition scholarship to be at Miami. Keep in mind that it is a Leadership & Academic Scholarship. Sadly being a valedictorian with outstanding test scores and great ECs you will only be a contender since there are so many talented students out there.</p>