Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship

<p>Does anyone know the criteria for the Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship, and how many are awarded?</p>


<p>Last year they had three Singer weekends, the first of which was the Stamps/Singer weekend. About 60+ Singer scholarships (full tuition) were awarded and I would guess maybe half of those recipients actually attend UM. 7 Stamps (full ride+) awards were made.</p>

<p>I believe the criteria are listed on the website. My son is a Singer Scholar, so I guess he’s one of the 50% that decided to attend UM.</p>

<p>There is very little specific criteria posted by UM on the site. Here is my triangulation after last years process.<br>
Class Rank and ACT are big drivers to get invited to the SS weekends (there are 3) and the interviews being the other. Class Rank seems to trend towards to 1-3%. And an ACT above 34. Both of these plus GPA of 4.0 or near that will get your child some level of Presidential Scholarship and invited to the SS weekends. About 400 are invited to the weekends and of those as READYTORETIRE states 70 or so are given SS plus 5 or so Stamps scholarships.</p>

<p>Somewhat tangential, but --</p>

<p>Methinks that much of the reason that schools do these scholarship weekends is for recruitment. I’m sure that there’s some evaluative process that goes on, but more importantly it’s a great opportunity for the school to get a big bunch (of what they consider) their top applicants to the campus so they can show the kids all of the opportunities that they would have if they attend. They can focus the sales pitch towards the sort of academic pieces that these kids are looking for. It makes the kids feel special (which in fact they are), and even the kids that don’t get the full-ride award already have a pretty good merit scholarship in place. </p>

<p>Not being critical here, just noting that there’s more to these weekends than just trying to figure out who gets the Singer/Stamps. IMHO, Shalala has really upgraded the academic quality and standing of the university during her tenure, and getting top kids there is an important part of doing so.</p>

Completely agree. In particularly for UMiami they are still fighting the SuntanU syndrome and those weekends help to convert “on the fence, best in class” students (and more importantly their parents) to choosing UMiami. The fact that odds are pretty good (1:4) that you can also get a full scholarship is real incentive to show up. If you don’t go you don’t get SS, irrespective of your scores. For my son the most important recognition has been the Foote Fellow. This has been great in allowing him to double/triple major and basically fit 5 years of coursework into 4.</p>

<p>The presentations at the scholarship weekend was very impressive, as were the kids. The experience removed any doubt my son had about UM. We were told that to be invited you had to have a minimum of 1500 on the SAT.</p>

<p>be good to all</p>

<p>DS was invited for the Stamps/Singer weekend last year. He was awarded the Singer. The dinner was very nice and the students speaking were very impressive (Singer/Stamps/Hammond recipients). The interview was with a professor in his major. DS just couldn’t see himself enduring the hot weather so he chose to go to the frigid north instead :(</p>

<p>So disappointed to find out that you had to apply early action. Frost school does not allow for early action candidates. S has 1520 SAT and in top 2% of class. AP Scholar w/ Distinction as a Junior and currenly taking 5 AP as senior. Seems like he would have been a good candidate. Doesn’t seem fair that Frost candidates aren’t considered. </p>

<p>^Frost has its own scholarships. My D is not in Frost, but she is a Stamps Scholar, and I know there are quite a few Frost kids that have the full ride Stamps scholarship. </p>

<p>does any1 know what percentage of people offered this interview actually receive one of the two full ride scholarships after they interview? </p>

<p>Actstudent, it is a small percentage for the full ride Stamps. There are many more full tuition Singer scholarships. When it comes down to it, approximately 10 kids from the Stamps/Singer weekend are asked to proceed to the next interview. From there, they choose the recipients. I’m not sure if the number is firm, as I think it has varied from year to year. I have no idea how the Frost selection works. </p>

<p>dumbo 11 THANK YOU!! Do you know if they go through the same process - Invite to a weekend, etc</p>

<p>Cluelessbass, unfortunately I do not know how the process works for Frost. I can ask my D, as she might know. I’ll post if she knows. Maybe illinoismom will see this. She is very knowledgeable on all of this.</p>

<p>@cluelessbass - I am sorry but I don’t know anything about the Frost Stamps selection process :frowning: I don’t remember ever reading anything here on CC about it from past Frost Stamps scholars…</p>

<p>We were there for his audition on Friday and was told that Frost students were considered for Singer but not for Stamps academic scholarships. </p>

<p>That is new then, as I know there are Frost students on the Stamps scholarship. Just curious who told you that. I wonder if it is accurate.</p>

<p>The Stamps Academic Scholarship is completely different than the Stamps Music Scholarship. There is a separate scholarship that was established earlier by Mr. Stamps specifically for Frost. The Academic scholarship didn’t come along until a few years ago. Hope that clears up some confusion.</p>

<p>Financial Aid officer that spoke to the group. The Stamps Music Scholarships are for specific ensembles each year. This year they put together a jazz ensemble so members of that group only will receive Stamps. According to the financial aid rep. Frost students are not able to get the Stamps acedemic scholarships. They are able to obtain Singer, Presidential, etc. Other people were waiting to talk with her so I didn’t get to ask about the process - attending a weekend, interviews, etc. </p>