Stamps/Singer March 20-21

Has anyone who attended the Stamps/Singer weekend this past March 20-21 heard anything back yet? We were there and I thought they said they would let us know by the end of this week, but we still have not seen an email or anything. Has anyone else? Love the school, but finances are a big deal for us!

nothing. i think they said “by Monday”

Ok thanks! We are just waiting on Miami before my son makes his final decision. So exciting! :slight_smile:

I thought it was Friday as well, but my friend told me Monday!

We are down to deciding between just three schools now, including Miami, so we are just dying to find out what happens with Miami! This has been such a stressful process, and I’m so glad to be reaching the end of it! :slight_smile:

My S attended Singer interview in Jan. Still no results. While I read in other thread here saying they had already heard Singer results, we are bit surprised that we dont hv our results yet.

Wow, that is frustrating. My son is down to deciding between just three schools, Miami being one of them. We would really like to know their final offer!

No word for my D either. Positive response and she is signing!

My son got an email from UM about an hour ago. So he figures, “This is it.” But, instead, it’s just a generic letter about financial aid and assorted ways to pay for UM. Maybe that’s code for, “You’re not getting any more dough from us, so consider the handy PLUS loans described here!” :wink:

I thought it was kind of weird that he got that particular communication just when he was supposed to be receiving his Singer & Stamps notification.

Gosh! I just hope they let us know soon! Ivy day is tomorrow and I’d really like to know the UM results by then too!

Maybe today??? It would be so great to have all the results (from the Ivy schools and Miami) today! :slight_smile:

That’s what I posted last night. Later, my son and I followed the links in that generic message to his Canelink page and then dug around until we got to his "Financial Aid’ page. There, it only showed the Presidential merit award that he’d been offered a month or so ago. So, again, we are wondering if that’s a back-door way of telling him that that’s ALL he’s getting (which would be a very shabby way of informing him of his Stamps & Singer outcome!) or if it’s irrelevant to the Stamps & Singer verdict which has yet to be announced.

But I certainly agree with you, @chris17mom–it’s time for the kids to get their news and make final choices and/or campus visit plans, if there are schools they need to see before deciding. It’s annoying to have been told that March 30th is notification day and then to not be notified.

@BeingRidiculous We actually received an email like that last week, and following the links to his financial aid account came up with the same thing you did. In fact, he had been offered a little more money than before, and I’ve read that semi-finalists who attend the Stamps/Singer weekend, but do not get offered the full-tuition or full-ride scholarships, do indeed get offered a little extra scholarship money after the weekend, probably as an incentive to still attend. (If we had more money and my son did not have two better offers, we’d actually consider this, since we both love UM.) So I guess it’s possible that this is our answer, even if they have not officially announced it yet. Still, I’m sure they will email us with the results one way or another. It would be kind of odd if they didn’t, don’t you think? Also, as much as I love UM, I have noticed people on other threads complaining about their lack of communication or slow communication. So maybe they are just a few days behind??? I would love to know today! :slight_smile:

@BeingRidiculous‌ I just re-read your post, and it sounds like you did not get the extra scholarship amount…Maybe, just maybe, this is very good news for you! Because if my son has the extra amount, it’s possible that means he is not getting the Stamps/Singer award…and if your son does not have that extra scholarship money, maybe its because he IS getting the full-tuition or full-ride!!!

My son is getting: Presidential Scholarship, UM Coral Grant, and CV Starr Scholarship. I think that prior to the Stamps/Singer weekend he was only getting the Presidential Scholarship…So if they added the other two in after the Stamps/Singer weekend, it might be an effort to entice him to attend, even without full-tuition/full-ride. It’s a great deal too, amounting to like $37,000. It’s just that even with that wonderful offer, there would still be about $20,000 in unmet cost, which is a big stretch for me (divorced mom of two boys), especially when compared with two much more affordable offers from great schools. It’s kind of a bummer too, because my son and I both love, love, love UM and in a lot of ways it seems like the best match/fit for him. But I have to consider finances too of course.

BUT…this might mean that your son IS getting the full-tuition/full-ride if you don’t see those extra scholarships! Oh I really hope so, for you! :slight_smile:

Thanks, @chris17mom- I really hope that YOUR son gets the big money. It sounds like he really wants to be at UM and it also sounds like he may not be able to attend without the extra boost of Singer or, of course, Stamps. So my fingers are crossed for HIM!

Yes, we both are kind of in love with UM! :slight_smile: We’ve visited twice now and it just feels right. My son also has asthma, and warm weather is one of the best things for him, so it’s really ideal in that way too. But 20k is a big stretch for me, and he has two other very nice offers from great schools, U of Richmond and U of Alabama. And both of those have rather mild climates, so at least the cold will not be too bad in either location.

Assuming nothing changes with the Ivy results today, we are just waiting to find out if we can afford UM or not, and then he’s going to make a decision!

Best of luck to BOTH of our sons! :slight_smile:

Hope your son gets the Singer Scholarship but from last year Experiences if they update the FA with this Extra amount then that’s what you going to get in the end. Now your son can also get Federal work Study of up to $3k and he can get the Stafford loans of $5.5k so your share of Plus loans can be slightly lower as you think. If next year your income is lower then the Grant Aid can be bigger since they try to meet that EFC#. Scholarship is a fixed amount but Grants can change by looking at the Parents W2 reported Income… That is done every Year based on your FAFSA.

Hope he gets Singer which is Full Tuition.

@dadfor2014 Thanks, that’s interesting, and that is what I was starting to expect. After all, why would they bother to update FA with the extra amounts if they were going to give him something else soon after. But of course we won’t know for sure until they send out an email or something. As much as we love Miami, he just has such great offers at U Richmond and Bama that I think he’s going to choose between those two, unless Miami surprises us with a Stamps/Singer scholarship. My son is being very responsible and not wanting to put a big financial hardship on the family. (I’m so proud of him for that! :)) Richmond and Bama are both wonderful schools, and we are very pleased to have great offers that amount to pretty much full-rides at both. So he’s in good shape either way. :slight_smile:

@chris17mom‌ -Richmond and Bama are great options, but if your son is also waiting to see if he gets into an Ivy, then I will cross my fingers that he does because you may actually find that the Ivy will be cheapest of all due to good need-based financial aid and, often, a no-loan aid package. So if your EFC is fairly low, you might actually be in the best shape at the most expensive college. Good luck!