single dorms

<p>For someone who's a neat freak like me, would it be possible to get a single dorm with a personal bathroom. lol. CPW was absolutely awesome, but having to share a bathroom with 30 other people was not a pleasant experience. There's a reason why I hated summer camp. XD</p>

<p>The closest thing to that is Simmons. Bathrooms are shared with 2-4 people (I think? Someone correct me if I’m wrong.). It’s not very likely that you’ll get a single, though, but you could get a double with someone else who’s really neat.</p>

<p>Bexley also, but if you go in there asking for a single room, you’re not going to get it.</p>

<p>Be cool, at almost any other college you will share your bathroom and your room all 4 years.</p>

<p>In MacGregor, suites are of 6-8 singles and they share a common bathroom.</p>

<p>Yeah, and not all the dorms have public bathrooms like that. Burton Conner is like MacGregor- bathrooms are shared by something between 4 and 8 people, although your chances of getting a single are much smaller (although non-zero) in BC than in MacGregor.</p>

<p>Simmons does have the rare single w/ personal bathroom (la montagne is right that most bathrooms are shared between 2-4 people, though). Good luck getting such a room without having a medical issue necessitating it; those rooms are always the first to get chosen (by seniors).</p>

<p>EC has a lot of single rooms and each room has a sink - I’m not sure if this would fit your needs. You can keep your room super neat if you want to.</p>

<p>Bathrooms in EC are usually pretty low-traffic because everyone brushes their teeth and such in their rooms instead, so they’re just used for toilets and showering.</p>

<p>I’m surprised no one has mentioned NW35. As a freshman you probably won’t get your own bathroom, but you’ll have a 2-room double and share a bathroom and kitchen with at most one other person. It’s where I was temped during CPW, and though it’s not exactly at the center of campus, the amenities were amazing.</p>

<p>That’s because NW-35 isn’t a housing option for '13s, as far as I’m aware. They ran out of funding to rennovate W1 so I was under the impression that the Phoenix group wasn’t taking on any new members. Was it in the I^3?</p>

<p>It was in I3</p>



<p>Are you sure about that? It was in the i^3 and the Housing Options booklet, and I know a few people were thinking about ranking it in their first few choices. If seniors there are moving out, wouldn’t it make sense for it to be open for freshman to move in?</p>

<p>I think I’m going to rank it as number one; it seemed like quite the interesting opportunity.</p>

<p>^ Plus NW35 owns in terms of proximity to food locations and Shaw’s and transportation. (it’s probably as convenient as Senior House or EC).</p>

<p>I would probably apply if I was a froshie.</p>

<p>NW35 sounds interesting for me to consider it, but it seems really far away from the main campus. Also, do people in there tends to feel isolated or unable to work with other people in psets or something like that?</p>

<p>I don’t know how much this will mean to you, but when I was temped there I did see people working on psets together in pairs, and this was during CPW. It did feel a little isolated, though :(</p>

<p>NW35 more convenient than Random? And Senior Haus and EC convenient at all for food/transportation? That’s news to me.</p>

<p>EC and Senior Haus are almost directly next to the T and the Kendall food court. I’d say that’s pretty convenient.</p>

<p>Kendall Square also has an au bon pain, a Cosi, and some other stuff, plus the food trucks at lunchtime. And what makes west campus dorms convenient for transportation, out of curiosity?..</p>

<p>Buses? Oh, and I think saferide goes out that way, too. I’m guessing if you live on west campus, you eat at the student center a lot.</p>



<p>And even if you live on <em>East</em> Campus and eat at the student center a lot, EC and SH aren’t any further away from it than some of the West Campus dorms, and unlike on West Campus, most of the walk is indoors (not a small consideration when it’s 10 degrees outside, or pouring rain). :)</p>

<p>I would say that most, if not all, of the dorms are conveniently located for <em>something</em> useful.</p>