SIO 20 OR MAE 5 for GE?

<p>Looking for an EASY GE that will boost my winter qtr gpa after getting a subpar gpa during Fall qtr.</p>

<p>SIO 20: Atmosphere - Sam Iacobellis
MAE 5: Quantitative Computer Skills - Carl Gibson</p>

<p>I'm leaning towards MAE 5 but I never programmed before in my entire life.</p>

<p>Any suggestions?</p>

<p>Isnt MAE hard?</p>

<p>On CAPE and RMP, MAE 5 (for non-engineers) seems like an easy class, though i question the credibility due to bias, but idk</p>

<p>sio 1, 10, and 20 were some of the easiest classes i’ve taken at ucsd.
20 with iacobellis requires like 4 hw assignments and a midterm and a final. i got an A</p>

<p>I took Mus15 (hip hop) and it was a pretty easy class. I’m not sure which genres they’re offering this quarter but i suggest taking a look at it.</p>

<p>I ****ing hated MAE5. It’s an easy class but I can’t stress what a waste of time and a pain in the ass it was. I had to do all the work in the computer lab because the program is so ancient that it actually can’t run on intel macbooks, and the lecture consisted entirely of showing up, taking a quiz, and turning it in as you walk out the door. I highly recommend you take the SIO class- I took one last quarter, though not 20, and it’s both easier and more interesting and fun.</p>

<p>thanks guys</p>

<p>@paradise17: from RMP, it says there’s 2 midterms. anyways, can you explain the format of the hw and tests? like is it MC or FR?</p>

<p>hmm maybe it was two. my mistake.
hw was a mix of multiple choice and free response.
the tests were all multiple choice, no free response and if you completed the study guide iacobellis gave you, it was really easy. the final was cumulative but the questions from earlier chapters were the exact same questions that were on midterms 1 & 2.
between 1, 10, and 20, i will say that the material for 20 was the most difficult to learn, but the class is definitely an easy one.</p>