<p>I was wondering if people who attend the same university are allowed to sleep in each others' dorms...for example, if I wanted my boyfriend to stay over and he attends the same university, is that allowed? Or would he go under the "no more than 15 nights a semester" guest?</p>
<p>Depends on your university and whether or not your roommate would permit someone there. Most universities don’t (can’t) enforce their rules with regards to staying the night, so it will almost solely be up to you and your roommate’s arrangement.</p>
<p>I’ve never even heard of a rule like that except at religious universities-- I literally can’t remember the last time my roommate’s boyfriend or my boyfriend didn’t sleep over in our room. </p>
<p>However, this is assuming your roommate is cool with it. That wouldn’t be a university policy, though, just common courtesy, yknow?</p>
<p>That would fall under the guest policy (although your dorm may do things differently than mine). In my dorm, a guest was classified as anyone who didn’t normally live in the room- i.e., anyone other than my roommate and me.</p>
<p>But 15 is a lot, it’s almost once a week, if you’re on the 16 week semester.</p>
<p>At my university, we don’t have a limit. However, during first semester, we cannot have any visitors of the opposite sex between 2am and 10 am. Second semester, the building can decide to vote to allow opposite sex overnight visitation from Friday 10am-Monday 2am unrestricted, but still no overnights of the opposite sex Monday-Thursday night.</p>
<p>Our visitors are considered people who do not live in my building.</p>
<p>At my school there’s no rule and no one cares unless the roommate has an opposition. Even if there is a rule, I’m not sure how they’d notice since no college has like a “dorm inspection” or something before bedtime at night haha. </p>
<p>My dorm is extremely isolated from the rest of our campus, and if I have friends over late after studying or if we’ve been drinking, sometimes like 7 people crash in our room so they don’t have to call a cab back to their dorms.</p>