SLO and Entering Middle school grades

@sdmom22: If you look up the a-g course for your HS on this website and the class is not on the approved list, then do not include on the application.

@sdmom22 I would call SLO about whether or not to include your junior high common core math classes. Not all common core math classes are the same and I don’t think they will be on any drop down. If someone sees them on their HS drop down, please report back.

Thinking out loud, if these are middle schools in California, eventually the app should catch up with the math sequence taught in California schools regardless of the grade level the student was during each course, yes? If this is for out-of-state applicants, there is no drop-down, as far as I understand.

I’m not sure what is meant by “common core math classes”? At our hs, we use the Integrated Maths sequence, which is part of common core, and those classes are definitely listed on the drop down menus.

@amsunshine your integrated math is in high school. I think @sdmom22 was asking about junior high common core math classes and which ones should be included on the SLO application.

So, when adding an 8th grade Algebra course, would I just add that to the 8th grade section, at the HS or do I need to add the middle school as a school? I tried to add the middle school and it is only has HS options.

If you click on “Freshman Course Entry Guide” and scroll down, it says,

So you use your first high school attended in 9th grade and your 9th grade academic year.

Confused by “along with your first high school attended in 9th grade and your 9th grade academic year.”

Keeping in mind that I am not looking at the app, this may be a really dumb question, but does “please select the appropriate grade level” refer to 9th grade or to the actual middle school grade level the course was taken? And likewise, does “Select the appropriate Academic Year” refer to the actual year the course was taken?

The way I understood it is this: you do not enter a middle school. However, under the high school section, you select 8th grade, and then the name of the high school, and the year representing freshman year at that high school. Then, enter the courses taken in 8th grade (either math or foreign language) that are part of a continued progression into high school. Then, for 7th grade, do the same thing. There is no drop down for 6th grade, so the counselor I spoke with told us to put the 6th grade course into the 7th grade section. (In our case, it was Integrated Math 1 for 6th grade – middle school level courses do not count).

This is definitely confusing and it would be nice if the CSUs got together and wrote clear instructions for this portion of the application.

Seems like CPSLO could simplify this by just using CSU validation policy:

Math: Algebra 2 validates algebra 1. Precalculus or calculus validates all lower math.
Language other than English: Any level validates all lower levels.

I.e. a student with calculus during high school can be assumed to have completed 5 years of math, while a student with language other than English 4 can be assumed to have completed 4 years of language other than English.

We chose 7th grade and entered Spanish 1 with our high school as the school attended. We then chose 8th grade and entered Spanish 2 with our high school as the school attended. On the A-G Matching page, the two years of LOTE that we listed under 7th and 8th grade (with our HS as the school) were listed as fulfilling A-G. The question is, whether SLO wants them listed in 9th grade rather than 7th or 8th.

Note for those calculating MCA: The GPA calculated on the A-G Matching page is the UC/CSU GPA using 10th & 11th grade only. It is not the SLO GPA which uses grades in 9-11.

@lkg4answers Based on this language in the instructions:

“please select the appropriate grade level, along with your first high school
attended in 9th grade and your 9th grade academic year”

you would first enter 7th or 8th grade; then the high school your dc attended; then the academic year (2016-2017) for 9th grade.

Also, from my conversation with the admissions person at SLO, entering 7th or 8th grade is appropriate. However, I am always second guessing myself, and because this process is so confusing to me, I would encourage you to call the admissions office to talk to someone to double check.

On the SLO website there is


Document has screen shots of the application and how to enter middle school courses.

There does appear to be 7th and 8th grade headings and describes listing your middle school as separate institution is not necessary. Instead the institution is your high school.