Smartest teacher you've ever had..

<p>What class did the smartest teacher you've ever had teach?</p>

<p>Mine would have to be AP World History. She's like a friggen genius. She knows everything, about like, anything, haha.</p>

<p>& For the dumbest teacher I've ever had,</p>

<p>Contemporary Literature. She has no idea what to do and thats why we do it through film, we don't read books in Literature, make sense?</p>

<p>My smartest teacher I’ver ever had would probably have to be my Latin teacher.
He doesn’t know a lot if that makes sense, but he’s really smart at his subject(s). History, English, Latin. He can help with any.</p>

<p>My dumbest teacher was my English teacher last year. Over half the student, without working on their cheating methods, cheated their way throughthe class. Normally chating isn’t all that abnomal but when it was that obvious and she’d still miss it, we were all kind of shocked.</p>

<p>I’ve had a lot of really smart teachers.</p>

<p>History teacher - really bright man, definitely very street smart as well as book smart.</p>

<p>Math teacher - I’d classify him as a genius. Left aerospace engineering to teach.</p>

<p>English teacher - knew the definition of any word we threw at him. Knows most ancient classics and works by philosophers (Aeneid, the Homeric epics, Plato’s Republic, Aristotle’s Poetics, etc.) inside and out. Basically dominated the PSAT CR sections we did in class without even reading the passages.</p>

<p>Another history teacher - Knows all there is to know (figuratively) about US history and politics.</p>

<p>I’d say my… 10th grade global teacher. She really knew her stuff.</p>

<p>As for dumbest - Oh, that’s easy. 9th grade English. She would ask for your essay, and you’d be like, “Oh, you gave it to me yesterday. I had a 95.” - and she’d reply, “Oh, yes! I forgot!” - Meanwhile, you never heard of the essay, let alone did it. </p>

<p>And, there was that one time - There was a sub adn we had to take a test. So, a friend of mine finished and were talking. The sub wrote our names down and gave us after school detention. My real teacher returns the next day and mentions it to us - We say, “We weren’t talking.” - She tells us, “Oh, okay.” and removes our detention.</p>

<p>She was… oblivious to life. Either she has Alzheimer, or… I don’t know.</p>

<p>Most of my teachers are Ivy-league educated…let’s just say that I’m surprised that the Ivy league could produce such idiots.</p>



<p>What about Dubya?</p>



<p>hurr durr i am so funnay look at that i just made a joke about the president</p>

<p>My Chemistry teacher (last year and next year) is really intelligent. He’s (obviously) great at chemistry, and one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. He’s also fluent in French and he knows a lot of Hebrew. He’s just really great.</p>



<p>That wasn’t a joke.</p>

<p>Probably my chemistry teacher. However, he could not teach so nobody actually learned anything from him. </p>

<p>Also, my calculus teacher was extremely intelligent. She was a fulbright scholar and was really good at the subjects she studied, but she was kind of clueless about anything outside of math and science.</p>

<p>My calc teacher is pretty smart.</p>

<p>But my AP French Language teacher is not that smart. She’s just kind of… clueless when it comes to the way things are done in the US and in our school. Like, there was a big dance performance a few weeks ago- well-advertised, constantly talked about, announced many times- I bet she didn’t know it was going to happen until it actually happened. When we were discussing our plans for Thanksgiving break, I mentioned I’d be coming up to school for swim practice, and she was all, “We have a pool?” (like she seriously didn’t know that we have a pool… it’s right on campus, it’s attached to the main building, it’s not hard to find).</p>

<p>lol w/ ironmetal
President jokes are no longer funny.
Make a joke about Obama? You’re just a racist.</p>

<p>And back on topic… I think all my teachers are/have been idiots. My math teacher this year I would have to say seems the smartest.</p>

<p>Smartest? My current math teacher…and chemistry teacher.</p>

<p>Dumbest? Would have to say my Personal Fitness/Health teacher and my Weight Training teacher.</p>

<p>My Chemistry teacher probably. He has his Masters from Cornell and apparently he’s a millionaire because he is a published chemist and discovered something for a company and gets random royalties and loads of money. He just teaches for fun because he wants to educate the future.</p>

<p>My Calc teacher is reaaaallly smart too. and hilarious.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t really classify any of my teachers as very smart, I guess it’s because I don’t necessarily go to a top school. I’m surprised at the lots of smart teachers that you guys have.</p>

<p>I’d say out of my academic classes, 1 is pretty bad, 3 are mediocre, and 1 is, just about, pretty smart.</p>

<p>As for dumbest - Oh, that’s easy. 9th grade English. She would ask for your essay, and you’d be like, “Oh, you gave it to me yesterday. I had a 95.” - and she’d reply, “Oh, yes! I forgot!” - Meanwhile, you never heard of the essay, let alone did it. </p>

<p>And, there was that one time - There was a sub adn we had to take a test. So, a friend of mine finished and were talking. The sub wrote our names down and gave us after school detention. My real teacher returns the next day and mentions it to us - We say, “We weren’t talking.” - She tells us, “Oh, okay.” and removes our detention.</p>

<p>She was… oblivious to life. Either she has Alzheimer, or… I don’t know.</p>

<p>Gosh that sounds like my freshman english teacher.</p>