SMU 2022 Spring admit

Hi there I realize this is an old thread but wanted to see if anyone could give any insight into how starting in spring has been so far, what option you took for the fall and then did anyone receive any merit at all that was offered spring admit? We are in the same situation this year so was hoping for some feedback. Thanks!


Yes, same here (Spring 2023). Trying to make a decision on London (when so much is going on, afraid to send son out of the country).

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I challenged spring admission last spring and wrote nice letter saying Smu was my dream school and number one choice but with receiving spring admission I was leaning towards my second choice which offered the usual fall admission. I got a letter within days offering fall admission.

Write a letter, send an email, fight for it. I didn’t fight at all just gave them the reality of losing 80k a year.


My son mentioned when completing the Spring Interest form it mentioned would he be interested if spots opened for fall so I bet if some turn down spots open. Good to know!

My son thought London sounded amazing but I don’t believe his major (Engineering) can be studied there. We told him to knock out some of his 1st semester at community college might be a good idea instead (allows him to still graduate the same time as other class of 2026 and save us some $!)I am sure he isn’t crazy about living here thru December though when friends go away but if he really wants to go to SMU he will have to. He said he does so we will see how this all works out! And spots may open for fall!

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My son started this spring at SMU after the London program and he loved SMU. He did, however, miss rush deadlines while in London (SMU did not send proper paperwork as promised) so he had to convince IFC to rush. Going in cold was not not easy, but he found his people and had instant social connections. Being a pledge took up a lot of his time. so it was a challenge coming to a new school, not knowing anyone and rushing and having your first semester being everyone’s second. But, he’s very happy.


We were told by SMU that it was really difficult to get a fall spot as a spring admit. If a spot opens, it is my belief they take from a waiting list of kids but not from the spring pool.

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That is rare.

My son did Richmond program and started SMU in the fall of this year. (2022). While he had a great experience, the school is pretty small and harder to get to London center than they tell you. It was fine for a semester. (Heard the food wasnt great so there was a lot of postmating - or british equivalent)

Thank you so much for the reply! Good to hear that your son is doing well and fitting in. It really helps to hear from other parents that Have done it.

None of the kids take courses specifically for their major/ minors unless the core courses coincide with them. The first semester is used to knock out the core courses and possibly any courses related to or required for potential major or minor. For instance, if you want to apply for Cox Bus School in spring, you must take macro and micro economics but those also happen to be core courses. You just need to take them back to back first year in order to apply to Cox. London was great. The school is just really really quite small but there are no classes on fridays so barring covid issues, they can travel on weekends. Hope this is helpful

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Hi, my son was admitted to the Spring Entry 2023 and is considering London. I’m wondering about how many other Spring Admit Students were actually in London. Did your son make connections in London that he could carry with him to SMU in the Spring?

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Hi. My son met several kids in the london program who were headed to SMU in the spring. He ended up rooming with one at SMU and pledging a fraternity with him as well. He was lucky. Tulane and USC kids also on london program and got to know one another but not everyone “connects” so it really depends on your class. Is that helpful info?

S22 was deferred from EA then accepted in RD, but for spring 2023. Was supposed to hear about fall plan yesterday 4/8 but now won’t hear until Monday. Is it really this hard SMU?

In the email it said something about having an overwhelming response so if I had to guess I bet more kids are interested in the abroad option than maybe space for? Again I don’t know this for sure but maybe a possibility. It shouldn’t affect kids doing gap or CC hours in fall though
With this year being so competitive at all colleges they may have more accepting the Spring admit option than in the past or that they expected. It could also be they are just overwhelmed and swamped right now and needed one more day.

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Has anyone received an update?

Yes my son just got an email to check his portal about 15 minutes ago. He is doing community college this fall- CS is not offered abroad so we were pretty sure ours wasn’t an issue. Hope everyone got what they were hoping for!

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