<p>well, i am iffy too. i was really positive until i found out how many applicants they have had and actually reading this website has made me more nervous because so many applicants that read this site seem so amazing. There have got to be some applying that don’t have amazing scores on tests but work hard and have good gpa’s and would be as successful for other reasons. Let me know if you get that infamous email if you get it before the letter. I am just nervous going to the mailbox here in OC</p>
<p>Yes, my son applied EA.</p>
<p>Yeah reading this site has made me more nervous than I should be. However, out of all the deferred applicants at m my school, and I know each and everyone one of their stats, I have a much better shot. Thats the only thing keeping me going. They all have 3.0s.</p>
<p>Big blue envelope came in mail Saturday with lovely acceptance letter personally noted one of son’s extracurricular activities. In two years of negotiating the college admissions process, it’s the classiest acceptance letter I’ve seen!</p>