Snowy Conditions at Geneseo?

<p>Attending Geneseo U starting from Fall 2012.
Wondering how bad the snow gets.
How often it snows?
Does the town do a fair/well job of plowing?
Is it safe to bring even a fwd with all-season tires?</p>

<p>It definitely snows a lot, but being used to winters in upstate New York, I honestly didn’t find it bad. The small campus actually looks quite beautiful during the winter months. </p>

<p>If I recall, the main snow doesn’t hit until November, but the snow can stay until March. Rough estimate…</p>

<p>When it does snow, it’s about average amount. We’ll get blizzards on occasions, but the campus is very good about plowing, especially the sidewalks and paths for students. I’ve never had an issue getting around campus or the town during the winter months. </p>

<p>I can’t comment on the tires as I very rarely drive in the winter there. I know there are instances where the smaller roads/parking lots can be covered in a thin later of snow and can be slippery for cars. However, I just keep the winter tires and it works fine. </p>

<p>Hope that helped.</p>

<p>I’ve lived near Syracuse, NY all my life (lake effect snow). This winter will be my third winter at Geneseo.</p>

<p>The winter there is not that bad.</p>

<p>First year, it was a step down from lake effect. There was maybe 1.5’ on the ground at once. Sure, it was cold, but the snow wasn’t bad. Some paths were not constantly plowed, but I lived in the dorm closest to classes (Jones) so it wasn’t that big of a deal since there was only 2-3" snow. In general, they plow the foot paths well.</p>

<p>As for a car, I didn’t bring one but my friends did. Most of the time it was alright, but I know sometimes the plows would snow them in.</p>

<p>Second year (last winter) was extremely mild. It snowed maybe three times, and I think there was a few inches on the ground for two days that winter, which is UNHEARD of for central NY. There was practically no ice on the ground. You could have rode a motorcycle around all year it was so mild (although it was cold sometimes, so maybe not.)</p>

<p>This winter? If it’s mild, or even like my first year, don’t worry about it. Unless it’s a strong snow year, fwd with all season tires should be fine. Just remember; if it snows a lot and you’re parking your car on campus, you might get snowed in and have to shovel out your car.</p>

<p>I don’t know where you’re coming from, but for all winters in central NY you need to watch out for slippery roads, black ice and whiteout conditions. Drive slow on the roads. Speed limits are for summer; winter conditions mean you have to drive much slower or you will run off the road.</p>

<p>Are you transferring in? What dorm will you be in or off campus? I’m Erie :)</p>

<p>I’m from Rochester, and Olivia’s absolutely right. Buffalo and cities close to the lake get tons of snow, and so does Rochester, but we live in a valley. Actually, I think Geneseo used to be called the Hilltop school back when we were a Normal school (When we only certified teachers). So, we live on a valley, right? With tons of hills. Most of the snow gets lost over it and it’s fantastic in my opinion. Last year we didn’t get much snow at all because weather was messed up all over the world due to the huge tsunami in Japan - or that’s what people say. But I love snow season here more than anywhere else in upstate NY. It’s the perfect amount of snow and it doesn’t get as cold either, in my opinion. I wore a North Face the whole winter last year and the year before that and I was fine :smiley:
Olivia, I’m a junior too! What’s your major?</p>