Current Geneseo students?

<p>Is there anyone who is currently attending Geneseo that can answer questions?</p>

<p>I'm currently in my first semester at Geneseo. I'm honestly still a bit undecided as to how I feel about the school, but I can answer some questions for you.</p>

<p>Brenda, how cold is it there and is there snow on the ground yet? Is the college as pretty as it looks on the website? What's the town like?</p>

<p>The area is very pretty; that's one of the reasons i came here over a place in the city. It's maybe a 10 minute drive from Letchworth State Park which is very nice too. The campus is very hilly and a lot of the freshman dorms are pretty far from classes, but you get used to it quickly. Some of the older buildings are very nice looking, most of the buildings are a sort of 70s "blah" architecture, but they're not an eye sore. There is a new science building which is probably the nicest looking newer building (it's also filled with a lot of lab equipment and a good amount of research goes on there if you're interested in that).</p>

<p>Right now it's in the 50s; the temperature has been fluctuating a bit, it was into the 30s when Buffalo got a lot of snow last week. We didn't get any though.</p>

<p>The town is pretty small. There's are some shops and restaurants on main street, which is nearly on campus, and surrounding the campus are houses that have mostly students living in them. That's about as much of the town you'll see normally. About 5 minutes away is the 3rd biggest walmart in the country, it's sorta scary... There's a grocery store and some other stores by the walmart and there are some chain restaurants on the way there.</p>

<p>There aren't any clubs in the town and the bars there are pretty good about carding people. Rochester is about 30-45 minutes away, and there's a bus that goes there, and I know some people who have gone up there and went to clubs and stuff on the weekends. The cities pretty nice too (nicer than Buffalo, my hometown, anyway), and my brother's gone to concerts there with kids from school before.</p>

<p>I'm gonna cut in here, because I really don't wanna do my paper right now, and I figure I should help someone out.. :)
It's freezing. Seriously, it's cold. But everywhere in the Northeast is cold, so you really can't complain all that much. At least every place is pretty well heated.
The place is's hilly, but like Brendan...said, you get used to it. And you get some killer lower leg muscles. It really is a nice campus.
Because it's so far removed from a lot of other things (that bus takes friggin' forever to get anywhere), the campus offers ALOT. And so does Main Street...really. If you want fun, you'll always be able to find it.
Anyways...I guess I'll go back to that paper...stupid paper...</p>

<p>Oh, and the Walmart will have anything and everything you could ever need or want. It even has a pet's nuts.</p>

<p>Thanks so much!! This is a school that is definitely on the short list. I will go and visit with my D as soon as we can get a weekend free. </p>

<p>How are the academics? I hear this is one of the best public schools in the northeast. Any and all info you can give is appreciated.</p>

<p>Thanks again.</p>

<p>The academics are...a lot of work. If you pay attention...or don't pay attention, but work outside of class, you'll do well. The science classes here are hardcore, so if you're not a science major, I would strongly suggest getting those cores out of the way before coming here. Once again, I'm only a freshman...and it's only October, so I don't know too much...but it seems like the classes are hard...harder than your high school classes, that's for I said though, if you work, you'll do well.
Geneseo is the most competitive SUNY school to get into...and the people around me are telling me that it is indeed the best school in the Northeast...
Alright...I'm out...still haven't finished that paper...</p>

<p>I agree with hyperleo in that paying attention in class isn't really vital to doing well here as far as intro science classes go; the professors are mainly reguritating the book to you. For me this is a bit of a dissappointment:</p>

<p>For instance, in calc II, we haven't done any meaningful proofs in class, where as in high school, we proved derivative rules via difference quotients, proved L'Hospital's rule, etc. This made my notes a valuable extension of the book, something I can't really say about any of my classes thus far (except psych., where we don't use the very expensive book to any real degree).</p>

<p>Also to compare equivalent classes at different schools, I studied chem. using MIT's online courseware, using their book, and watchinig their lectures online. Their lectures are incredible compared to ours: I'm more or less attending chem lectures here through attrition (there is an in class quiz system which makes up a portion of your grade), while I would be happy to go to the very interesting MIT lectures. For example, when discussing atomic physics, they "recreated" Rutherford's scattering experiment, showing how he calculated the radius of the nucleus. We watched a power point.</p>

<p>I know I'm comparing apples to oranges there, but I think it what is and what could be, as far as intro science classes are concerned...</p>

<p>Im also available to answer</p>

<p>Im also available to answer questions, im just not on this site all too often. Drop me an email and ill answer real quick though. <a href=""></a></p>

<p>I know this was touched upon earlier, but what do Geneseo students do for fun? Are most people in clubs or activities? What's the intramural sports scence like? Also, how do you guys like the food and dorms. Thanks</p>

<p>The school tries its best to give students option on the weekend besides going to parties, the most regular of which seems to be free or cheap movies. I think they try to get students to provide music at the Union, which has different lounges, a cafe, and a game room. There's also a dance club, cleverly named "the Knight spot", but I've never seen anyone in there. To be honest, I haven't really explored much of what they have to offer. As far as parties go, freshmen generally go to the frats, and generally at least one of the frats is have a party thursday-saturday.</p>

<p>I know most of the science departments have clubs (bio, chem), and there's a math team. There's student government and things like that too. Some of my friends have spots on the school radio, which is pretty cool. There's more, I just don't know anything about them..</p>

<p>A lot of people do intramurals; there are several divisions (boys/girls/coed, competitive/non-competitive), and a team is awarded intramural champions at the end of the year. I do varsity track, which is a lot of fun since it's DIII and pretty much the same as high school track. I don't know if the other sports are the same; hockey and lacrosse seem fairly intense, although compared to track they sorta were in hs too...</p>

<p>The food is alright but it starts to wear on you, especially the food in the all you can eat halls. The all you can eat halls are only open twice a day, so if you want breakfast, you have to get it ala carte (or however you spell it...). The ala carte food is generally better but its more expensive so you might wear your meal plan out early. I don't really have any complaints about the dorms.</p>