So - Alabama vs. Auburn rivalry question

<p>Atlanta, don’t forget to post in the thread about Tuscaloosa restaurants. I know you want Kwik Snak back on the strip just as much as I do. The “Starvin Marvin with tots” is calling your name :-)"</p>

<p>It really depends on if you care or not. I have friends who honestly don’t have a care for football and wouldn’t even know we were playing Auburn if they didn’t read the crimson and white. A lot of what you read is mostly overplayed hype. The person who poisoned those trees in Auburn was a deranged old man with no affiliation to the University. I do a lot of volunteer work that takes me outside of Tuscaloosa and I’ve met plenty of Auburn fans and while some do want to banter I’ve never encountered any hostility but then again football is not my biggest concern as a student. There are always bad apples in any tree (excuse the pun)- but I’ve never ran into any of them.</p>

<p>I want to mention something. I frequent areas such as where both Alabama and Auburn fans hang out and the poisoning of the trees has exposed the true nature of the rivalry: a friendly competition that’s all in good fun. If anything, it’s brought the two fan bases closer together than ever - the Alabama fans condemn “Al from Dadeville” while the Auburn fans defend the sane among us. I’ve never seen the fans get along so well.</p>

<p>If you want to know the reality of this rivalry, look no further. Well, I suppose you could watch the end of an Iron Bowl, where the players shake hands. I’m OOS but my roommates have friends who go to Auburn and they come here occasionally. There’s never any animosity about it, even though Auburn fans in my experience are a little more hardcore.</p>

<p>I received this post today on Facebook from the KC UA Alumni group. The bottom holds a link to a public Facebook page called “Tide for Toomers”. For those of you who are “following” this it is an interesting concept and I am pleased that some see it as a necessary gesture…one that will hopefully mend some of the hurt feelings and bad blood between UA and AU. We live in Missouri…the KU vs MU rivalry is quite intense (my H is a MU grad both BA and JD)…we joke about going over and "burning Lawrence Ks. Even with the INTENSE rivalry between the two schools (usually it magnifies during basketball season) I don’t ever remember something like Toomers Trees occurring. It is sad that one individual who has not affiliation to Alabama can cause such negative feelings towards what is a truly great institution. So read and enjoy what seems to be an attempt at a healing process so to speak…Roll Tide!!
The University of Alabama Kansas City Alumni Chapter
Just in case you are interested in this matter that has garnered national attention. The actions of individuals who are not associated with The University of Alabama do however reflect upon our fine institution. The actions taken in this case are in no way reflective of The University of Alabama.
Tide for Toomer’s (this i the public Facebook site)</p>

<p>Wow - over 9000 “likes” as of noon. thanks for sharing, ahpimommy.</p>

<p>The Children’s Hospital of Birmingham recently announced severe cuts due to budget issues but people rather donate money to a Tree? </p>

<p>Child molesters, rapists, and drug dealers get 5 year sentences and we want to give a “tree murderer” 10 years in prison.</p>

<p>This country is severely messed up. Flame away.</p>

<p>Oh look! It’s a ■■■■■!</p>

<p>*Child molesters, rapists, and drug dealers get 5 year sentences and we want to give a “tree murderer” 10 years in prison.</p>


<p>the first 3 deserve life sentences…the tree guy deserves a few years and restitution…and he needs to have his head examined.</p>

<p>I made a donation, I encourage others to do so as well.</p>

<p>If being a ■■■■■ = caring more about people than trees then I’m guilty as charged. Roll Tide!!</p>