<p>People are saying that multicultural people have been accepted already so they can arrange for travel plans for the multicultural weekend. Does this mean that if I'm asian, and I haven't been notified yet, I am either waitlisted or rejected??</p>
<p>It is to my understanding that my assumption is correct.</p>
<p>I think it's true.. dammit why did I put my ethnicity on my application, I just wanted to find out at the same time everybody else did :( I'm so torn even though I did apply to WashU at the last minute... but still, it hurts to be rejected :(</p>
<p>I don't have the guts to do it haha, not like they would really tell you anyways i think... I'm international from Hong Kong, i suppose i count as multicultural yeh??</p>
<p>all decisions are not out yet...... they are still to announce.. a load of that letter still has to arrrive at anxious homes.. and it will...... </p>
<p>international mail also will take a better amount of time ( i mean better= greator) </p>
<p>So dont worry.. april 1 is last day of notification for them..</p>
<p>I called and they told me the same thing. They said that their computer randomly picks who is invited to the multicultural event and that it is no indication of my admission status. They also took down my name. lol?</p>
<p>It doesnt matter what race u r, after all its a Multi-Cultural CElebration. Meaning that it dont matter what race u r. these are just ht e earlier acceptances to WUSTL</p>
<p>Actually, yeah it does. Look at all the CAS acceptances so far. They are all Asian or Native American. It might not be a big deal for those who are already accepted to ENG or OLIN or whatever, but you should stop and think about how us minorities who have yet to be notified feel about this.</p>
<p>Sure, it's easy for you to just tell us to stop being paranoid and quit assuming things, but it's human nature to be outright worried given this certain circumstance. Only minorities and super-qualified people were accepted "early" to CAS, and there are many minorities who were not. What could be the cause of such discrepancy? Given the statistics and situation regarding the multicutural weekend, we can only assume the worst and be freaked out/angry about the fact that we weren't notified at the same time as other people. We wanted to find out when everyone else does, you know, on March 15.</p>