so for Deferrals...

<p>for those of you who got "deferred", do you only get a mail or does it say on your WA as well?</p>

<p>just a letter in the mail</p>

<p>no email, no wolverine access</p>

<p>and they don’t even bother to seal the flap</p>

<p>also the letter does not specifically say the word “deferred”. it just says they want to to send them your fall semester grades.</p>

<p>hey i hate to triple post, but i just found out that you can see if you’re deferred on wolverine access. click view credentials, and if you’re deferred they add on a space for 7th semester grades after the received dates for transcript, recs, scores, etc</p>

<p>my credentials list has a blank box as if there is one more thing they will put there right under the last thing they received… does that mean im deferred??</p>

<p>aturof: No. I have that blank box as well, and I was accepted.</p>

<p>aturof: the box actually says “7th Semester Grades” in it, then has a space for status</p>

<p>so if yours is just blank then you’re probably fine.</p>

<p>thanks alot svtcobra!</p>