So heres the thing...

<p>im considering not taking math next year, bad idea, or the worst idea?
APs for next year are likely to include, AP studio art, AP lit, AP french, and maybe AP bio [ive been told the teacher sucks, so maybe not?] if not AP bio, hon genetics. is this a reasonable game plan? i wanna be a photogs major. i dont think im gonna use AP calc.</p>

<p>At least take General Calculus (or Calc I, whatever the non-AP calc class is called). All students should at least have one forgettable year of college calculus to round out their curriculum.</p>

<p>But it’s not like, take-calculus-or-you-won’t-get-into-college kind of important.</p>

<p>yeh, right now the option would be hon calc, but the teacher makes it harder than AP, and i dont think they offer regs calc. My math has been getting worse and worse, it used to be my fav subject, now…not so much. to me, it doesnt seem worth getting like, a C in calc and then not have time to take either AP bio or gen, which is what it would come down to, the way my school does scheds</p>

<p>I’m not taking a math my senior year and I don’t regret my decision at all. Math isn’t for me and I’m enjoying the courses that I loaded my senior schedule with as opposed to dreading math and enjoying some of the courses I’m taking.</p>

<p>yeh, its not like id be dropping math for a study hall or something</p>

<p>However, I highly recommend you keep a science so you’re not completely loaded with humanities courses.</p>

<p>i love science, i would never dream of dropping it</p>

<p>I don’t think the math matters that much.</p>