<p>in one of my essays, in my last sentence, I forgot to capitalize the B in Brown. everywhere else it is fine and the rest of my essays are grammatically correct as far as I can tell. Just this one guy that I noticed…</p>
<p>am i screwed?</p>
<p>in one of my essays, in my last sentence, I forgot to capitalize the B in Brown. everywhere else it is fine and the rest of my essays are grammatically correct as far as I can tell. Just this one guy that I noticed…</p>
<p>am i screwed?</p>
<p>No, you’re fine. One tiny mistake is excusable.</p>
<p>You’re overreacting, but that isn’t saying much given that you’re on CC.</p>
<p>You’re fine.</p>
<p>Ok good. I just went through every other essay I had written and this was the only “O_O” mistake I could find. Would it be wise to email an admissions director or submit a corrected essay or something…?</p>
<p>Dude, relax. They read for hours each day. They won’t notice one small capitalization mistake.</p>
<p>Disagree with above, especially if it says brown instead of Brown, no biggy though.</p>
<p>come on! a simple mistake will not kill your app! if your essay is good overall then you are fine! i understand you, this wait-time is killing us!</p>
<p>not a big deal! you will be fine. i forgot to write my name and school on the top of the supplemental essay…</p>
<p>Don’t worry; This only applies if you use the Common App but submit on paper.</p>
<p>At least it says “brown” and not the name of another school. You’re fine :)</p>
<p>^ Exactly! I wrote Brown all over my common app essay :S I keep calling admissions for every other school I applied to telling them to PLEASE DO NOT READ MY COMMON APP WRITING !! hope that doesn’t mean auto rejection though
<p>okay, floatingriver. that’s very good to hear!</p>
<p>awww, ayia! :(</p>
<p>I think they’ll understand. It’s not like this is something Word is going to point out, as it’s technically correct. Don’t sweat it :)</p>
<p>Ayia, it happens to students all the time. Try not to worry about it. What’s done is done. If the writing is there then hopefully that’s what they’ll focus on.</p>