So, JHU, UChicago, emory, and WUST... waitlist chances???

<p>Being on the waitlist sucks... lol
You know it's most likely over, but the school leaves you with the faint fragrance of empty hope that holds on to you for another month or so... </p>

<p>I know it is quite unpredictable and dependant on certain factors, but generally from past years, what are the chances to be taken off the waitlist for these schools? UChicago, WUST, JHU, Emory???</p>

<p>Last year JHU did not take anyone from the waitlist. The previous year, they offered 126 people spots in their incoming class and 60 or so enrolled. Sorry I don't know anything about the other schools. </p>

<p>ItÂ’s a waiting game. If you have your heart set on one of those schools, turn to the waitlist. Don't waitlist yourself at all those schools. </p>

<p>And trust me, I know the pain of being put on the waitlist. I feel for you.</p>

<p>Hang in there...waiting lists are unpredictable. I know when I applied to boarding school, I got waitlisted. I found out I got offered a spot 4 weeks before school started. >< but yeah.
Also, Beowulf is pretty much the man.</p>

<p>You can find more info about the Emory waitlist here - <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Goood Luck!</p>