So, what are my chances?

<p>I'm a Junior in High School in the United States and I'm pretty stressed out because of my grades. I just want an answer so I don't have to have frequent panic attacks over the impending future.</p>

<p>YES, I know I'm not a Senior yet, but still! Hear me out, my question is at the end of my long "resume". </p>

<p><em>Disclaimer: I'm a Canadian in a US High School</em></p>

<p>My grades: 3.0 UW 3.4 W</p>

<p>APs: World History: 3, European History: 5, French (taking this year), Language (taking this year), US History (taking this year), and probably 3 more senior year [yes, I know how some are unnecessary]</p>

<p>Volunteer? If it matters, I have about 300 hours educating little kids at Kumon (Math and Reading center)</p>

<p>Sports: 1 year JV tennis (was on the top), 1 year Varsity tennis (should be 3 by the end of high school) side note: might make state this year or senior year</p>

<p>ACT: 30</p>

<p>Class Difficulty: Mostly Honors (8 classes so far) AP classes (4 classes) or regular (2)
[not that it matters, but I come from a tough high school where averages are high and classes are tougher]</p>

<p>I'm projected to finish high school with As and Bs. I started freshman year terribly and have improved each year, so I plan to explain some of that. My history teacher said colleges look for improvement, so what is my likelihood of University of Michigan, Wisconsin, or North Carolina, and how can I improve those chances? </p>

<p>(sorry for the doozie, and if you want, you could add a bit of encouragement for me? :D )</p>

<p>I honestly don’t know what it takes to get into the colleges you list. You can’t change the past. </p>

<p>Do your best this year and let the chips fall where they may.</p>

<p>There are thousands of schools that will be happy to have you.</p>

<p>What’s in-state for you?
How much can your parents pay? Will you nbeed financial aid or merit aid?</p>

<p>Alright, I’m thinking about a Canadian school, since I’m a Canadian Citizen that used to live in Toronto. But, I can see what you mean about chips falling. I currently reside in Illinois. I know how bleak my chances seem, but my fingers are crossed on colleges looking at gradual improvement and my workload.</p>

<p>There’s no real limit on how much my parents can pay. No, they’re not rich, but they’ll try to accommodate me to my best depending on which college. If you want, you can recommend colleges that might be a good fit for me! Thanks so much! :D</p>