<p>Depends on what I’m eating and where I’m eating it. Sometimes I like to actively savor the food, sometimes I let my mind wander, sometimes I like to watch tv via the internet, sometimes I read, sometimes I talk with other people, or listen to other people talk.</p>
<p>I stay on the computer or watch TV sometimes, but mostly I’m one of those absentmindedly / hardcore thinking-ish eating while doing nothing else quietly people.</p>
<p>Talking to other people while eating sucks.</p>
<p>It depends on the meal… Usually my routine is something like this:</p>
<p>I have a snack while I stretch before my morning workout.
Then I workout and do the morning crossword puzzle while I eat breakfast.
Snack during my Comparative Politics class at school.
Lunch with friends.
Snack before rowing practice…usually talking to other people.
Dinner with family.
Snack while I go on the computer.</p>
<p>i eat breakfast in class. i eat lunch in class. i eat snacks in class. i eat dinner with my parents and complain to them about how i STILL haven’t been asked to prom yet by a decent looking male who is in my grade. then they remind me that i have a C in ap gov, and i excuse myself from the table and go watch stuff on hulu.</p>
happens to me all the time. 'cept I’m rocking a 86, but it’s really more like a 75, lol, just some quizzes haven’t been entered into the gradebook.</p>