So, what do you think of the new board?

@garland I see it in the Parent Cafe- pinned second thread from top.

PS…beats me why that post came as part of the link, but you get the idea

Wow. It is NOT there for me.

I can get to this thread through your post, but it ends on Nov. 7 for me. And it still isn’t pinned for me. Is it active from your point of view?

So the book thread is not visible here to me from either my laptop or my phone. That might be the straw for me.

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Parent Cafe - 2nd from top - not active - last post Nov. 7

@garland Try going to the thread and pinning it yourself. That should bring it toward the top of your Parent Cafe page. Nobody has posted in that thread for 13 days, so maybe add a new post or bookmark the thread. Good luck!

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Wow - scrolling shows the last post as Nov. 7.

And now - like @garland - it’s not there any more at all. Checking it made it disappear. Really.

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It disappeared for a time when I first checked the thread too, but I pinned it and it popped back up toward the top.

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I think the Best Book thread is closed and needs to start a part 2 because it’s over 10,000 posts? @skieurope - can anyone do that, or just a moderator?


Ok…in the past , if I wanted to send a PM to someone, I simply had to click on their screenname/avatar in the post. That no longer seems to be working. I have to go into messages, and type their name in.

Is there any good reason why this is necessary??

Switched to desktop view, and it is so much better than mobile. I think I’ll stick with that.

The thread is not locked and it is below 10K posts

Thanks, all of you. I will try doing that. But terrible that it is closed right now. We need a part Two! At the same time, I segue off of older posts when I post there, as many of us do, so it’s a real pain that it will be chopped in half.

On my computer when I log in (mostly I’m in cafe) it actually shows me which of the topics have new posts (and how many) since I last looked. Then it takes me to where I left off.
There’s a little gray circle next to the topic which has a number in it–so it may say 10 for example–that’s how many new replies since you last looked. Then over to the right is replies (how many total in the topic) and then the time lapse from the last posting on the topic which is cumulative so you can see that the last post was 15 min ago, 23 hours or 28 days for example.
And again the blue bar for scrolling and post numbers to the right can be clicked on at any point on the bar–you can go straight to end (or anywhere in between) if you want minus scrolling. PLUS it has dated posts attached to it so you can easily find posts.
Personally I’m very happy.

I will say it appears to eat my phone battery (not positive) but on computer I’m fine.

Again, it is not closed.


It didn’t look closed to me either.

I find that to be an easy tradeoff. Just a couple of clicks and you’re done.

I noticed that when I just went to see the best book thread it was “unpinned” in my settings so I re-pinned it. If you search for it and the open, go to bottom where controls are located.