So, what do you think of the new board?

What is the difference in pinned and bookmarked? And just noticed I don’t see that I can pin this thread, for instance. So confusing.

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Regular users can’t pin a topic, just moderators, but it seems topics can be unpinned for an individual preference. . I just found a control in profile preferences - interfaces that had a block checked that was “unpin when reach bottom”. Not sure what it means or does but I unchecked it.


Oh, okay, thanks!

Another thing I haven’t stumbled upon yet: When I reply to a post and hit reply, that’s it, it leaves me at the end of the thread with my post being the last post. I have to scroll back up to find out where I was. What am I doing wrong?

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This thread is such a visual and valid indication of how things are really going here since this launch. :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:


Same here. Very annoying. I’ve found I’m only even reading the same 4-5 threads that I had a vested interest in pre-launch. I am no longer can muster the energy to try and read new threads b/c finding new responses, where I left off, skipping around depending whether I’m on my ipad or phone, just is not worth my time. I have to click here or there or back or scroll or wait, click on my profile, etc - nothing is consistent.


It’s MUCH harder to use this new format on a phone, which was how I mostly used it over the past decade. It jumps around when I’m scrolling and I have to keep finding my place in a long thread. I’d also like it to lead me to the last addition to the thread instead of the top of the thread.

@HImom Can you try this and see if it helps?

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There is a link from their profile. On mobile it is hidden to the right:

Let me know if you have trouble accessing it…

Only if their profile is public. Otherwise you get a love note saying the profile is private.

Folks might want all the info on the Profile to be private, but still might want to receive messages.

Just went to the “tell me something good” thread. It started me at a post in August. Had to scro0ll to the end to see that the only “new” post was the last one. I had read everything else before we moved to this format.

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@CC_Mike, It jumps around in the Desktop View too.

I completely agree. I imagine after those threads die out, my time here will be over.

@thumper1 I’ve received private messages with my profile private.

@CC_Mike can someone please figure out why the “What books are we reading?” Thread keeps coming unpinned for me? I pin it, it shows it’s pinned, then next time I come to the board, it is unpinned.

I’m seriously ready to throw in the towel. I am beyond frustrated that as soon as I figure out a feature, it gets glitchy and doesn’t work.

Earlier, While trying to reply to a different thread, I wanted to reread the post I was referencing but because I am in the reply box, there is no way for me to find the post I was reply to - the scroll bar and post number is no longer visible. If I can’t be interactive, then there is no longer any point in me coming here. While there are many new features, they aren’t helpful if a user 1) does not know how to find and use them and 2) when they finally figure out a new tool, it is glitchy and does not work

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Hoping @CC_Mike can explain what’s going on.

Maybe it’s that messages cannot be sent directly from posts by hitting screenname…if profile is private.

Someone…please explain this.

@thumper1 i think my profile is set to private, though I did check the box that users can PM me. Are you able to click on my profile and see a way to PM me?


When I click on your screenname here, I get this:

“ This user’s public profile is hidden.”.

I do NOT get the screen @CC_Mike posted above which gives me the option to message you directly from this thread.

BUT I just went to the message icon and I think I just sent you a message, so it seems that I can message you…but NOT directly by tapping on your screen name from a post.

@CC_Mike that seems odd…and inconsistent!

This screen only pops up if the poster doesn’t have a private profile.

@thumper1 got your message so at least that worked! But what messaging icon did you click on that enabled you to text me? I can’t seem to find that but it would be nice to know in case I ever try to message someone with a private profile.

@4kis4us Under Preferences, Interface there is an option “Automatically unpin topics when I reach the bottom” I can’t imagine why anyone would want to do this, it may explain why things are getting unpinned.