So, what do you think of the new board?

I don’t mind a learning curve. I do fuss when things get confusing. Eg, what “keyboard shortcuts?” Sure doesn’t show on my tablet (with keyboard.) No, that’s not a laptop or desktop.

I do appreciate some of the new fancies. I just think they come at the expense of some intuitive things. Eg, the slider bar is awfully narrow on a cell.

I mind that it’s not possible to minimize the Reply box. But I like the ability to jump threads with a Reply still pending, then return to it. Also, the “Unread” header.

Speaking of students… I used to always see posts from @PikachuRocks15… but haven’t on the new site.

Just took me 5-7 minutes to complete a post. Like molasses tonight. I’m on the same device I always am in the evening.

This board is much more confusing than the prior format and especially difficult to view or write on via smartphone, which is the primary way many of us had used it. It makes me much less likely yo visit or linger, honestly. If that is the goal, great!

Interesting insight, @CC_Jon. I take it the CC PTB realize that the primary targeted population for this site (students) are going to be the ones who stop by to find the info they are looking for, get it, and then move on and out.

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I’m getting the hang of it. I really appreciate the changes to notifications.

I’m still having issues on my phone though. The blue box with the post numbers cover the reply button. That’s a major issue.

I’m also experiencing a long lag this morning in getting threads to load (on my laptop).

And please re-lock the ancient threads.

It seems as though CC has foregone the previous organization of “Colleges and Universities” by type and by tiers. Is this a gesture towards egalitarianism or am I missing something? Makes it hard on colleges that begin with the letter “W”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes they have. Perhaps less active, but has posted on the Brown ED thread

Thanks :slight_smile: I received a kind PM from @PikachuRocks15 letting me know he is super busy with finals hence reduced posting outside the Brown threads. Glad the formerly active posters are still around. :smiley:


So… it just took me the better part of an hour to find my way back to this thread. Tried everything; going back to Parent Cafe; scrolling down a lot of recent threads. It quickly gets buried and without pagination there’s no way to tell how far to keep looking. And, there doesn’t appear to be any way of searching my own posts - which would have been my last resort two weeks ago. Is this why people learn how to pin stuff?

@circuitrider you can set to tracking and will see new post count - scroll to bottom to find options. I love the tracking function and now rarely look at the entire board - just at my tracking posts.


Ohhh! I thought it was automatic. I didn’t realize I had to actually engage the function. D’Oh.

EDIT: The exact function seems to be “Watching”. We’ll see what happens. :wink:

On the flip side, I love how I can turn the tracker off for threads. On the old platform, if I had to enter a thread to moderate, the thread would show posts unread for the life of the thread. Now I can go in, do my thing, and get out without be alerted to new posts on a thread I do not follow.


@circuitrider - i tried watching and I think the reason i changed back to tracking was i received an email every time someone posted - with tracking it is only if you are mentioned on post. maybe i am wrong - either way I really like the tracking feature.

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Oh, no. Really? That’s not what I want either. Hmm.

You can change your email preferences.

@skieurope - good to know, but that may be past my pay grade. I was so happy with myself for figuring out tracking :rofl:


You can see a list of your own posts here: College Confidential Forums - Admissions Discussions and Threads

Then, if you still can’t find what you are looking for, you can tap the search icon (magnifying glass) in the top bar to search for your own posts. It’s not obvious, but pretty handy once you know about it.

I wonder if this is going to hurt the activity on this board. I have found that I am mostly just going to “Unread” at the top of the menu and reading new responses on the threads I am tracking. Because of all the extra steps involved to get to the different categories now, I rarely even go into places like Parents Cafe anymore. The few times I visit, there has been so few new threads and/or activity, that now I mainly just read the threads I am already tracking w/o looking to see if there is anything new. Sounds like I am not the only one doing this.

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I think that this is a big problem. People are finding this site so hard to navigate that they visit the threads they are tracking and then leave. They don’t stick around to see what new “conversations” there are.

Not a lot of new engagement when people are only visiting a few threads.