So, what do you think of the new board?

What, pray tell, is the point of this: It’s been a while since we’ve seen [poster’s name] — their last post was 6 months ago.



Question: Button says “Clear Bookmarks”…plural. Does this mean it gets rid of all of my bookmarks, or just the topic I’m on?

The reply function is terrible. I don’t need to see a reply both under the post to which it responds and then as a separate post later on.

Ad blockers will block requests to certain sites that occur in the background. Often those requests happen in sequence and will move on to the next request when the first fails. The 1700 you’re seeing is likely the number of attempted requests to retrieve the next ad - not how many it would actually show you. This includes retries when the first request fails. It is pretty similar to other sites that show ads.

We are reworking our ad implementation so that it is fast and minimally obtrusive. We do need the ads to sustain CC, but will try to make it as annoyance-free as possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we balance the business and community sides of CC!

The “Clear Bookmarks” button at the bottom of a thread will remove all bookmarks from the thread you are viewing. It will not affect bookmarks for other threads.

Since it is possible to bookmark multiple posts within a thread, the button at the bottom exists to easily clear all of them if you decide a thread is no longer something worthy of your bookmark list.

Admins, I wish there was a “reply” button to a specific person and a “comment” button to just add to the discussion in general. That would be nice. Also, I like to see who likes posts, but those little circles don’t do anything. You can’t see them. It needs to be when you click on the heart, names appear like before.

To all, when I reply, it’s easy to type, like normal. When I start a new thread, I can’t see where I’m typing. The comment box scrunches up above me and glitches when I type in a letter, but I see it over to the right. Is this normal? It’s distracting and I gave up on a thread last night.


Still trying to get the hang of some things but starting to like it in many ways. Thanks for all the improvements.

(I still haven’t gotten an answer to my question about that long list of musical theater schools, when there is already an MT forum under majors…)

ps don’t need to “earn” things but whatever, maybe it helps participation


Should someone have to spend oodles of time to study, investigate, trial and learn/manuveur a recreational site they visit for short term enjoyment and education?

I’m getting the impression some users are spending LOTS of time trying to figure out how to use this site. Am I alone in not being interested in doing a deep dive to figure a message board that should be pretty intuitive?

I don’t have oodles of time (nor do I want to expend the brain energy) to do all that. It’s a choice, I know.


Good question. I wonder how many students (the expressed priority of this site) are doing so? One episode of battery drainage and they will move on to Reddit. I’ve seen very few students post in any of the areas discussing the new platform.

As usual, the parents are the ones doing all of the work to help CC out. CC has gotten used to parents doing all of the troubleshooting for them.


@abasket, you hit the nail on the head. I don’t want to spend brain energy and oodles of time figuring it out. I sure didn’t when I first joined CC. Just navigated around and joined right in. It’s nuts that this is what is put out now.

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Another update. Had to move to my Tablet (Windows) because my laptop crashed (nothing to do w/ CC). BUT, it appears the tablet cannot handle the amount of information on the new board? It keeps re-loading the pages. I may be in the middle of reading a post, and it goes blank, and re-loads the page. Obviously frustrating. Ad related? Or is there just so much information on the new site, that my humble tablet cannot digest?

This has been an interesting discovery for me this year. I had assumed most of my interactions would be with students, but that’s not at all the case. The people who stick around CC are often parents. I’ve interviewed a dozen or so members of CC and just one turned out to be a student.

The good news is I showed the student a version of the new site and they had no problem navigating it. I’ve also done some informal testing with people I know who aren’t members of CC and they seemed to be comfortable with the site. Now there are a few caveats:

  1. They didn’t see the performance problems we are currently experiencing.
  2. They were browsing the site and writing test posts. They weren’t attempting more sophisticated things an everyday user might be doing.
  3. They might not want to hurt my feelings by saying negative things about the new platform.

I’m really concerned that performance issues are causing problems for everyone, including new users. So that’s the top priority for the team to fix.

I’m a lot less worried about new users learning to do more sophisticated things because they don’t have to learn it all at once the way you all did. I used to be a programmer and I distinctly remember when I had to learn to do my job on a different brand of computer. (Moving from IRIX to Solaris, if you are curious.) Even though I knew my job inside and out, it was weeks of struggle before I could do my work effectively. The old habits were hard to break.

I think it’s that way for CC regulars too. It’s hard to take it all in at once, which is how it had to happen. New users can learn to navigate the site one bit at a time as needed. Plus they will have you all around to help them learn. I’ve been incredibly encouraged to see members of the site help each other learn how to do things. It’s helped me learn to use the site too and I’ve had the longest time to adjust!


That’s odd. I’ll ask around to see if we a Windows tablet to test on. It’s possible the issue is related to the ads, but that’s just a guess.

Also keeps reloading with seizure inducing flash.
“This webpage is using significant energy, Closing it may improve responsiveness of your Mac.” I also get this as many above have mentioned.
So, I am not a fan of the new board. I miss intelligent conversation, actually any conversation.

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Sort of related to @CC_Jon 's post about new folks navigating the site, but I had to laugh at something I discovered today. In the “hamburger” menu (3 horizontal lines in the top right corner, at least in a desktop browser), one of the options is “Keyboard Shortcuts”. I took a look, and LOL, no thanks! That reminds me of a mousepad I had with Windows 3.1 keyboard shortcuts. Does anyone actually learn and use those? Not really complaining, they don’t affect my experience at all, but I can’t imagine the developers spending any time on creating those!

I use the “G L” all the time to go back to the latest posts page.

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Ha! We didn’t spend any time created the keyboard shortcuts because they came with the software by default. In my experience, a tiny number of users use the keyboard and they are really excited about shortcuts. But as you say, it doesn’t matter for the rest of us. :wink:

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Tried it out and wow. That’s pretty slick. I might become a convert to keyboard shortcuts!

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OMG I love the G L shortcut, thanks @momofsenior!

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Of course it’s only useful on a computer and not the phone, but it’s something ; )