So, what do you think of the new board?

Im trying to figure how I do a hard restart on a cell.
On the tablet, prefs—interface doesn’t seem to offer me a theme choice until I click Expand. I’m tired of hunt and peck. Now I have to educate myself on a hard restart?

Maybe I got this, on the tablet. We’ll see.

Don’t worry about a hard refresh on cell. The only way to do it is to clear all web site data which is a pain. You should be good to try the safe mode by following steps 1-3. You got this! :muscle: :grin:

Grad cap should go to the forum home and will stay that way. We’ll also add the link back to the menu at some point. Looks like it disappears on some devices.

I seem to be in the new theme, on the tablet. Will see how it works. Did a Save on the cell.

As friends used to say, this is getting confusing-er and confusing-er.

I have a brand hew IPad 8. I’m not having any of the slowness or sluggishness that others are experiencing.

But that forums thing just disappeared from the hamburger one day. Poof, gone.

Fortunately using the grad cap works fine, but it’s just odd that it disappeared as it did.

  1. Found the “Ignore” feature! Woo hoo!

  2. I have noticed the past few days that the entire time I am on CC the little spinning wheel indicating background resource activity in the status bar of my iPad is present constantly. It is not there on any other site I visit. I have multiple websites open on different tabs right now. If I select any other website tab that is currently open, the spinning wheel is not present. If I select any of the three CC tabs currently open, there is the wheel, spinning away and decreasing battery life. Not sure what is running in the background on CC, but there is clearly something hogging resources.

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That little spinning wheel is running on and off while I use this site. In the past, it would be on while initially loading and then would stop.

Thank you! I have noticed a marked improvement. I will give more feedback after a few days of using the “Light” theme.

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Mike, I agree with DramaMama, too soon to know, but so far, I haven’t run into the issues. And I like the look.

Too soon to say that, but I figure, if you’re working on a weekend, we can share a small positive. :slight_smile:
Fingers crossed.


I have not been having these issues rcently and I guess I am lucky. Some jumping around when I am on my phone, but the iPad and my computer are pretty good,

I am not a fan of the endless scrolling. As someone said above, some times I just want to get to the most recent comments. Or I might want to go back a few days and I have to kinda guesstimate in the scroll bar. And the scroll bar is not that easy to manipulate


Hey, Mike-
I’ve had none-zero-zilch of the showstopper issues that occurred before last night. Yay! And thanks.

There are still things that annoy me. Different matter.


I’m keeping the “Light” theme! Much improved performance, plus:

  • I prefer the font
  • My unread notifications are highlighted so I can tell which I haven’t read when I click my avatar.
  • Once I read a thread the title changes to a light gray in the index. This is a huge help.

Thanks again!


^ Agree. None of the former dead-in-the-water issues. Reliable.


How come all of us don’t have these features @CC_Mike?

I did not do the change because I wasn’t experiencing the issues. But I would love to have things I have and havent read look different.

Any chance this will be rolled out for everyone?

It really is helpful. As you can see in the screen grab, I’ve read the “CC Flip” and “Is a 4.0” threads. The unread notifications have a blue background. I’ve read all mine so no point showing it, but you get the idea.

I’d love to have the feature @DramaMama2021 has!

I know @CC_Mike cautioned against changing to the “Light” theme if you weren’t experiencing performance issues, but I wonder if it would be worth trying? Surely you could just change back if other issues popped up? Maybe the Admins can give some guidance or you could just throw caution to the wind and try it! Ha

What category are you seeing that in, DramaMama? Latest?
I only get grey if there are no new posts in a thread. Maybe that’s the point. In your picture, your greys have no new posts.

Yes, that was the Latest category.
And correct. Once I’d read to the last post, it switched to grey.
I realize that for topics I’m tracking I should also see the numbers indicating unread posts. But for topics I am not tracking, having it turn to grey is helpful to know I’ve read it. I don’t like the New category as much because the topic “disappears” from New once it is read and is difficult to find again if I want to go back but didn’t take note of the exact title.
At least this seems to be how it is working. :wink:

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It’s been a while. Just came back after not using it for a while, and frankly, I find it unuseable, so I will not be using it. bye

I’ve not read the last 300+ posts but wanted to add f/b. I like the new format overall a great deal. I can see lots of information easily, and appreciate the many more features than in previous version. I’m
Not having any significant issues. I use my iPhone 12 plus 90% of the time when I’m using CC, and my Mac book the remaining 10% of the time.