So, what do you think of the new board?

Please tell the admins what your issues are @NJres. They really are being quite responsive. You can also take screen shots and post them on the forum which helps them see what you are getting on your screen.


Not sure if this is the best place to put this but I went to comment on the SAT subject test being scrapped by college board thread and the two threads I saw were both closed by @skieurope for being duplicates. I tried to do a search for the the open thread and couldn’t find it. Not sure if both threads were closed by accident or if the search function isn’t pulling it up.

Is it possible when a thread is closed for being a duplicate that the link to the other thread be included?

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This thread is open:

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I have added the link

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I admins are going to start proactively closing old threads, can I ask that they find a way to to have them not show at the top of the list of updated threads, shown as recently updated?

It’s been frustrating to open threads to start reading posts from 2005, and then “16 years later” “closed 2 hours ago”.


I know at least one old reopened thread was closed because it had been pulled up in order to advertise. So it was an updated thread briefly before that post was deleted and the thread was closed. There’s probably no way to “throw it out of the line” in such cases, although I’m not clear how someone was able to post in such an old thread.

All closed thread where reopened with the transition to the new platform. Admins are aware of the issue and are working to get threads closed.

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This is especially annoying when writing posts in a long thread since I get a warning about someone else having previously listed the college name, which includes an auto-generated link to the same URL. For example, if I try to type ’ Caltech ’ in the test optional thread, I get the warning:

" It looks like your link to was already posted in the topic by @theloniusmonk in a reply on Dec 21, '20 – are you sure you want to post it again?"

If I try to type ’ Yale ', then I get the warning:

" It looks like your link to was already posted in the topic by @thebigchef in a reply on Jan 12, '21 – are you sure you want to post it again?"

When I try to type this message, I get the following warning. I don’t care to review which word is the trigger.

" It looks like your link to was already posted in the topic by @CC_Jon in a reply on Jan 14, '21 – are you sure you want to post it again?"


Two small issues.

  1. Clicking on the heart, to like a post, goes nowhere. Random.

  2. Times when I click on the post count (xxx/yyy,) and it disappears. No scroll bar visible. Random.
    I click my cell off for a sec, back on, and seems resolved.

Similar: times when I can’t continue typing in the Reply box. Freezes. I can sometimes click “Hide Preview” and then ok. Other times, have to click off/on to continue.

So you can see I found a workaround. But I don’t think this is how things should be.

This is in the past few days.
Android cell.

Oh that is annoying. I’ll bring it up with the dev team.


I’m having a new problem since yesterday. Suddenly I’m getting blue numbers on threads that I haven’t marked to watch, replied to, am tagged in, or read. If I come back later, there are different threads that have the blue numbers and these are gone, even though I haven’t clicked on them to read.

And the slowness…urgh!

Could you turn on the “Light” theme and let me know if it is any better? Instructions here.

It’s MUCH better in “light” mode. I didn’t think to do it when it was first posted because I wasn’t having issues then. Thank you for your help.

That’s been my experience since the changeover. Makes no sense.

Does anyone else have this banner? If it is to be believed, everyone does. However, it is letting me post this and I see my avatar so not sure how I could be logged out. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the message…

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Yup. I have it too

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I don’t see it.

Haven’t seen that message, but every time I click on the pinned year in review thread, I get a Sorry we couldn’t load the topic message.

I still see it plus I was just logged out. A message popped up saying I had been logged out and then had a Refresh Button. I forgot to get a screen shot. Maybe time for a reboot? Hmm

I don’t see that, but when I try to load a page, the little circle spins around and around for more than a few seconds.

In addition, when I edit a post, the edit doesn’t appear now when I hit save edit. I have to refresh the page.

Both new issues today.

Oh…and when I save the edit, I now get a little blue banner at the bottom of my screen saying “saving” with that circle spinning around.

Something weird is going on.

Ipad 8, brand new.

I was going to add a picture…but that icon is not appearing!