So, what do you think of the new board?

Yikes, is that my new avatar?!

I see a sailboat. Was it something else.

This morning the pages are jumping around again. @CC_Mike

The page bounces back down whenever I try to go to the top of a page or thread, still.

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Naked redhead

Please bring back pages!!!


Now that I know how to get to any post or date, I’m fine without pages. As a reminder on a computer just type # somewhere on the screen and a box will pop up allowing you to go anywhere in the thread you like. (Don’t ask me what to do if you don’t have a keyboard.)



I’m glad the jumping is not me. I was a little worried about my eyes at first. While I’m reading a thread, the screen jump-scrolls down to further in the thread without me touching anything.

Otherwise, I’m fine with the new board, although I don’t come as often because it’s not manageable on my phone.

I had to get a brand new computer two days ago because my dinosaur (at least 7 years old) finally died. I was a little worried about how my new baby would work on here (cheap Lenovo laptop), but it works great.

On top of that, it works far better with everything else than my old dinosaur did. I guess this old dog really should be open to getting new more often than I do - at least for some things. The “green, planet loving” me despises replacing things that still work, so it’s a tough call.