So, what do you think of the new board?

I thought I would mention something that I like quite a bit with the new format.

Occasionally I get half way typing a reply and then decide that my point is just not important and I want to delete the message. On the old forum these were stored apparently forever under “drafts”. I like the fact that on this new board I can hit “cancel” and fully delete my not-quite-finished and never-to-be-finished comment.


This is on my list to sort out. It can be helpful to index by state, but the current implementation doesn’t make much sense. Ideally, there would be a way to find every school in your state no matter what the size or popularity. But doing that will take some work on our side.

Have you tried the solution @CCadminMike suggested a few weeks ago? We’re getting closer to a global fix, but if you have problems once in a while, that should help.

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Is that solution posted or pinned somewhere for easy access? I don’t need it now but for anyone who does/will if they can barely get a page to load they are going to need the instructions easy access to try and remedy their issue (as opposed to trying to scroll through this thread to find it!)

Thanks though!

We’re hoping to have a proper solution very soon. Most people aren’t experiencing the problem and it’s very intermittent. (I’ve had it a few times off and on, but nobody else on the team has seen the issue.) If people switch to the other theme when they aren’t having problems, they might end up with other problems in the future.


@CC_Mike @CC_Jon

I log out every time I leave CC. I do not have a pw memory/auto fill set up. If I return to CC and click “log in” it logs me on with out asking me to enter my user name or pw.

I’ve just noticed this over the past couple of days. For some it might be handy. For me, when I log out, I want to be logged off completely.

Go to the top, click on your avatar and then click on the little person shadow. One of the choices is “log out”. Choose that and you will be logged out completely, I believe.


That is how I log out every time. When I return to the site, it looks like I am logged out as my profile pic is missing. I see options to LOG IN or SIGN UP. If I click LOG IN, it usually asks for my username and PW. Lately if I click on “LOG IN” it just logs me on without needing to enter user name or PW.

Thanks for the assistance with bookmarks!

I see that PMs are back but only to 2016 (at least for me). Is that temporary?

Didn’t realize they were back up! Mine go back to May 2016.

Hmmm… They should be all PMs. I’ll check with the team.

I just flagged a post that seemed like non-English gibberish and “earned” a “first flag” badge. wTH?!


I had MY post (as it turns out, incorrectly!) flagged and I earned a “first flag” badge. But the students posting like this sort of thing which will increase engagement?

From the “vaccine reluctance” thread

Ads in browser are targeted. Not everyone sees the same ads. It showes you the ads that it thinks you may be interested based on the browsing history on your device.

Trust me, nothing I ever clicked on shows an interest in this kind of ad. And I live alone, a 72-year-old woman.

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There was a risqué ad a couple of weeks ago that lots Of people Saw. I don’t think that was a coincidence.

It is true that (in general) ads are targeted. However, if there is not enough data to target accurately, sometimes unwanted advertisers sneak in. These are the ones we want to avoid by removing their ability to participate on our site at all. Thanks for the report - we’ll make sure they are banned from CC.

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