So, what do you think of the new board?

CC’s “trust level” has dropped to Basic for me with this downgrade…


^I don’t understand what the big deal is with member level… Are we all treated the same?

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^ Honestly, I just read about trust levels and really couldn’t care less about the expanded permissions. The level requirements seem silly.

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Another issue. Just clicked on a thread that has been moved and was not taken to the new location nor was there a link. Just a post that the topic had been moved.

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The page bounces up and down for me too. The need to scroll to get to end of a thread is very annoying. This upgrade is just terrible. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! The prior site had issues but you could live with them. This one may be the end for me.

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The forever scrolling is a disaster, in my opinion. Bad move. I can never get to the bottom. Perhaps it takes too much memory or continuous data from the internet (I happen to be having some connectivity issues). Searching for specific info in older threads is much more difficult than it used to be, especially if what I am looking for is somewhere in the middle of what used to be dozens of pages.

My ad blocker was working ok as before, until just now when I got a pop-up auto-loading, moving video ad. These types of ads bring all sorts of foul language to mind, seriously. Words that begin with, well you know. Makes me hate the advertiser, who I’d mention by name except that would be more advertising.

And suddenly with these ads, the bottom of the computer is getting hot. Sorry dear advertisers, but I am not more likely to click on your memory and power-sucking ads. Try stationary ones.

Beginning to hate this downgrade. Last update was a downgrade, this is a further downgrade. A few new features don’t make up for the scrolling issue. Sorry, venting!


I like that you can go back and forth between pages and not lose what you have been writing.

Don’t like that I have to go back to Forums every time I want to switch topics.

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I personally really enjoy this new setup its discourse which is a very user friendly GUI setup and highly customizable by the host. I’ve been using discourse for many years and have hosted multiple of my own forums on the software. any FRC kids might recognize it from chief delphi!

Wall post answering some of yall's questions (click arrow to open very long post)

This is an easy fix on college confidential’s side - because that is a built in setting on discourse’s side of things (this is a discourse based forum)

discourse uses very little data from my experience

you can see everyone who “liked” your post just by clicking the number next to the heart - but yea you can only see a few of the people who reacted with an emoji

the heart is a like on discourse

On desktop version of the site if you organize the home forum screen as “latest” the first profile pic to the right of the name will be the account that made the thread.

On mobile it will only show the newest poster in the latest view

usage of ip addresses on any forum and discourse in particular are to both protect the forum against spam and to help protect your own account by letting you know where you are logged in from.

yup just a tip to the mods there is a setting to turn this on - it will also add a tiny blue circle to the right of any new posts on a thread you’ve read that you haven’t read yet and when clicking on thread it will take you to the first small blue cirrcled post

the scroll bar is the number actually - on mobile if you click on the number (likely will have to close the ad first) it will let you scroll through the posts to a specific one you want. Same on desktop but with even more functinality to be able to skip to a specific post. Good for big threads.

  1. you can hide this preview pane
  2. this is for anything that gets formatted either by embeds like link embeds or html or bullet points or really anything that gets formatted to double check it looks the way you want before you press send.

works for me

just a tip you can actually @ the person if you select their name in the popup that comes up or press enter

that shows you the post they replied to.

latest post is just one extra click on the home page

bookmarks is the second tab under your profile picture

not a glitch - it only shows the reply symbol if you click the reply button on the persons post. Even if they are the last person who replied, and you do the blue reply button, it doesn’t reply to them it instead replies to the thread as a whole

well first off discobot does that only once, but you can change all your notification settings in your profile - you could get no emails if you desire!

you can move them wherever you like, it is just text tagged with [ quote=, post:,topic:__] [ /quote], but in reality you can highlight a section of someones post and click quote and it will put that quote in for you into your post whereever your mouse is

over time it will become super efficient to use - this is one of the most user friendly forum services I personally know of - ive even hosted a few on discourse myself

yes you can also see edit history on a post by clicking on the orange pencil - finally any quick edits wont add a pencil - so fixing a typo wont add to the edit history

absolutely not - it is only visible to the administrator/hoster and you

so trust level gives you different perks such as being able to like more posts, have more weight put on your flagging of a post, and ability to do some other things on the site. I’ll link it here - also some of this is customizable by the site host, so not all of it may be true - this is just general for discourse.

https:/ /

as i was reading i just got blue circles so looks like that was fixed :+1:

yea this is one of the biggest problems with switching to discourse, sometimes not every post moves over, which sometimes requires a rebuild of the html for the requested page by an admin/mod (wrench menu on most discourses)

the search button is very intuitive for this in will search in every post in every thread on the forum :+1:

This text will be hidden

One other note since this seemed to be a large concern from the community is that it looks like the moderators fixed the issue with returning to the last spot you’ve read, but it will only work for the new posts after they fixed it not all of the older ones. this would either require a rebuild of the html again or maybe finicking with the read vs unread config settings - but it appears to be fixed from here on foward

Feel free to @ or pm me with any questions because I am fairly experienced with both the user and moderator side of discourse forums


Thanks for all the great info!

Just a note that for this reply, I DID click on the “Reply” on your post, not the blue “Reply” below the thread, and it’s not showing that I did.

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hmm interesting although im pretty sure discourse can be (and probably is configured to right now) not show that “skip up to replied message” button if it was the last message posted in the thread

try replying to my long post now that its not the one right before your reply and i bet the skip up button will appear on the reply - if not then it must be a bug but im pry sure its just a config

I just tested with a new user account and the preference setting does not seem to be working for some reason.

I’m at the point where I understand the functionality and can navigate around ok. The problem for me is the site is just too much effort and time. It takes so much to move from one place to another because of the slooooooooow page loading and cumbersome navigation. I used to hit 4-5 forums I was interested in and 4-5 where I knew a good bit and could help others. Now I’m hitting one or two forums, and leaving.

I lurked when my first was getting ready for college and engaged when my current one was a junior, but there is no way I’m coming back in 2 years when my youngest is getting ready for college apps. This new layout is set up to waste time instead of quickly deliver content.


Hope that is now on the fix list…not a high priority but would be nice

@evergreen5 there are things YOU can see on your Profile that others cannot see…like your email address. I’m not sure what other things are not visible to everyone.

@CC_Jon can you clarify?

I will say…I would LOVE to know where CC got my profile birthday date. Let’s just say…I’m not 7 years old.


We never show emails or a user’s real name. Other people can see stats and activity such as most liked topics. But if you want to hide that, there is an option under:

(Note that moderators will see this information. This isn’t a way for people to hide their disruptive behavior.)

That’s odd. On your profile, I see “Joined Aug 19, '04”. I know new users are asked for their birthdays for legal reasons, but I didn’t think we used that on the forums anywhere. Where exactly do you see that?

@Flashy3 is not a CC developer.

I just want to be clear: this change did not go the way we’d planned and there are many issues. The platform the new site is built on is different (and we believe much better). But you aren’t getting the best view of it because of performance and interface problems. The CC developers are working on these issues and are making progress every day.

I’m asking for patience with the site because we believe it will be a better experience for everyone. Your feedback is valuable. (Really!) The responses on this thread and others encourage me that you all continue to find value in this community. I’ve talked with people across our organization and to a person we are committed to maintain the value of CC both to existing members and to students coming to the forums for help with their college admission questions.


@thumper1 Everything on the summary page starting at Stats (and below) is public. Just seems like a lot of info, although perhaps most of it is meaningless.

My experience with the new site has been very positive so far, perhaps because I haven’t experienced the performance issues on my devices. The new interface is more modern and cleaner. We shall see if that attracts more students and other younger users.

After several days, I must confess that I am liking the new site. I feel that I’m scratching the surface of understanding what everything is/how everything works, but I LOVE love love that the site keeps track of threads I’ve read or replied to so that I can see at a glance if someone’s added to the thread. That’s probably what I’m most interested in on CC – the threads I’m particularly interested in!

I find I’m not going to the individual forums the way I did two years ago, but at least right now, periodically scanning the “Latest” posts lets me see if there’s anything that catches my eye.

I also have not had the horrible lags others have described.

Overall – I’m cautiously optimistic!

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Lol. I find myself craving Parent Cafe, which is odd since I fought against the diversion from college topics.

Not all the fixes work depending on what device type. When folks want to say x has been resolved, I wish more would state what device. I keep trying what someone says is fixed, only to find it not so, for me. Android cell/tablet.

And a pothole to mention. If I start a response in the Reply box, then go look at another thread, the Reply box stays active. If I then type, I need to be aware that open Reply box refers to another thread. Not the one I’m now on. Yikes.