So, what do you think of the new board?

My visits/usage to this site is down probably 75%. Not by choice but mental necessity.


I used to have all notifications turned off so no emails. Now it seems each topic is separately controlled via mute. . Has anyone figured out how to do a universal mute?

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Select your profile / Preferences (far right icon, silouette of person) / Preferences / Emails

The options there determine when you receive emails and work globally. I hope that helps.

This kind of summarizes my experience:

The “alphabetical” list of Colleges and Universities is sequenced:


(No, V,Y,X isn’t a typo. Nor are the reversed letters at the end).

Good luck finding Cornell. Cornell College is near the top. Cornell University is at the very bottom. In reverse alphabetical. But Harvard was down there yesterday, so maybe it’s a daily/by visit random distribution.

UC-Riverside is also at the very bottom, 7 pages away from the other UC listings.

Earlier today, it started at P and then wrapped around to A after the random schools at the bottom. So it’s a new adventure every visit.

But it has pretty avatars and circles and numbers in colored circles (meaning unknown) and new user welcomes messages.

(I was going to post this yesterday. But my iPad battery vaporized after about 45 minutes of usage).


I joined just a few months after you Garland, and I’m still a Basic (Regular wannabe?)

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A number of you have indicated that you have posted emojis. I don’t see a single emoji…anywhere.

I post a lot on this site, and read a lot. But I don’t read everywhere and therefore it’s very unlikely I will be reading whatever %age of new posts, just not going to happen. I read in three areas only. Guess I won’t ever be trust level 3…which is ridiculous, in my opinion.

Is this really the intent?


^ I felt like you needed an emoji.


What is with the list of Musical Theater schools? I know others have raised this. I asked about it early on before launch but clearly it is still there.

Waiting to be able to go to the last post that I read on a thread.

Trying to use this and have posted a few times, changed my avatar, etc. but definitely having a hard time!

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Can we talk about bookmarks in the drop down menu?

I know I can click on the bookmark and open the whole page… that list is acceptable. I am referring to the bookmark drop down when i click on my avatar.

I don’t care who started the thread, can you remove that?

I want the thread name and whether there are new posts and how many. That will make me go take a look.

As the list is currently structured it is useless

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It’s giving me the name and a link to every single new post in the Book Club thread. That’s just dumb.

Well, I’m only a Basic after almost 20 years on the board, so my opinion clearly doesn’t count for much (in fairness my contributions dropped off after the kids graduated), but the fact that this thread and the book club have the only new posts in Parent Cafe tells me pretty much everything I need to know about this update. It’s been a good ride; hope management gets what they wanted.


This isn’t really what you are asking but I (accidentally) found a way that probably accomplishes the same thing. I marked several threads as “watching”. When I click on the 3 lines by my avatar, one of the drop down choices is “unread”. When I click on this, then any threads I am watching will have a number by them for unread posts.

I don’t know if this is a smart or efficient way to use this, I think overall it is a mess. But that is a really useful feature, more so than the old notifications, where if I followed an active thread I could easly miss a notification for a less followed one.

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What a mess this is. The font is the only decent thing. I hope this board doesn’t go the way of ivillage.

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I began following CC in 2002 when S was a HS senior; joined in 2005 after D got her early admission letter and I felt safe to have a presence that wouldn’t upset my kids. Every so often when I quote CC, they say “are you still doing that?” I’ve gotten lots of good information in the Parents Cafe and I like following coralbook’s remodeling threads. This new “upgrade” may “basically” be the end of me. We’ll see…


I do not understand why the site needed to be updated.

My biggest fear is that I will never know the end result of Homerdog’s daughter’s admissions journey.


How can I stop getting messages about my badges and awards? I don’t want the badges and awards…at all. And I certainly don’t want messages about them.

I would like to turn this badge and awards function OFF. It’s annoying. Very annoying.


There is a new topic in the FAQ subforum. Maybe it will work.


I already have checked that “skip” function…and this morning I got two more lovely badge award notices.

@CC_Sorin @CC_Jon

How can I make these badge and award notices STOP.

When I’m reading a post on a thread, it constantly bounces up or down and I have to scroll to find what I was reading. It is an assault on my eyes. Any suggestions to fix this? Also really hoping dates and time stamps will be added back in.

There just isn’t that much to read since the new launch - most new posts barely have replies.

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