So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Is he unable to get it at the Bronx-only facilities? There are a few other than Yankee Stadium. I think you can sign up if you work there, not just live there. They tend to have lots of openings.

I have a question. Would you play bridge with 3 other people who have had the vaccine and the 2 - 3 week wait after the second one? I and a number of my bridge playing friends want to play, so I am starting a list of those who are willing to play after receiving the vaccine. There is one player who will not play even with her getting the vaccine. I just would like your thoughts.

If bridge was important to me, I would. I also donā€™t have any conditions that would put me at high risk of severe illness in case I fell into that 5% or someone was unknowingly contagious with a new variant. I probably would wear a mask for the first few times we got together though.

Nope. I donā€™t plan on adding in any extracurriculars with people for awhile. The vaccine and all is too new for me to feel a comfort with the ā€œIā€™m vaccinated, letā€™s goā€ mentality.

Maybe if I was outside and masked.

We need to keep in mind that that our decisions continue to affect bigger than a circle of 4 bridge players (I donā€™t really know how many you need to play bridge!) If they are going home or to work with others - who might not be vaccinated - I still feel like odds arenā€™t there yet to engage in a close activity like that.

If you assume that vaccination stops or greatly reduces asymptomatic transmission (considered likely but not yet proven, since vaccine trials did not check this), then a private gathering of people in a private location, all of whom are vaccinated except possibly people from one household, should be reasonably safe. Obviously, if this assumption is proven true, then it should be reasonably safe.

However, if you do not make this assumption about asymptomatic transmission (or it is proven false), then it would not be safe for the unvaccinated people.

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Walgreens is doing vaccination in NYC. Yesterday morning I could have gotten one at almost any location. I think most slots are gone, but I would keep on checking. I would also check CVS. I was able to get a same day appt for a friend at the Javit Center.

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But those are just open for certain ages/conditions, right???


Iā€™m sure eligibility is a criteria for setting up an appointment. Each state has who is eligible in their state posted someplace.

Understood. But @oldfort post didnā€™t indicate that. People are so hungry for appointments I think itā€™s helpful to have the ages posted with the availability.

My mom has a bridge game set up with 3 of her friends for the end of the month. They will all be vaccinated and have immunity by then.

My mom lives alone and itā€™s been a long year. She is so excited. She needs the mental stimulation. Iā€™m glad that she is able to get some of her life back


I would if I were not around folks at home or elsewhere who werenā€™t vaccinated. Three out of four in my immediate household have had first dose but <16 year old wonā€™t be able to get his for a long time. Until then, we wonā€™t change our behavior/activities. The only thing Iā€™m going to do now is fly masked to see my vaccinated dad who lives alone. Iā€™ll probably mask for a week upon return home and test so as not to risk youngest kid.

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Arenā€™t there criteria for who can sign up for a vaccine? Are they letting anyone who can grab a space get the vaccine?

My D had her 2nd Moderna shot yesterday. She said she felt as if she were hung over all day today, but is starting to feel better tonight.


There are a lot of eligible people who are not able to get appointments. I try to help family and friends who are not as savvy with computer. They have to be eligible to get a shot.
That being said, my friend has a medical condition which would make her eligible after Feb 15 in our state. I got her an appointment for after Feb 15. If she waited she wouldnā€™t be able to get an appt when she is eligible.


Yes, very specific criteria, and it varies by state.

I got my second shot (Pfizer) yesterday. My upper arm hurts when I try to raise it. Other than that no side effects.


My mom got her second dose yesterday (Moderna). She had a hard time to sleep, very dry mouth, and sore arm. She seems to be doing fine. I am staying with her for few more days just in case.


Posted in the wrong forum

What site are you using in NY to schedule vaccines after 2/15 eligibility? Everywhere I look I have to satisfy current eligibility requirements before getting to a scheduler.


My mom, brother and his wife got their second Moderna shots yesterday. Relieved that my mom didnā€™t have any side effects. She stresses easily so Iā€™m glad thereā€™s nothing to stress about.