So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I had my second Moderna on Wednesday morning. Yesterday I felt like I had been run over and my arm was very sore. I spent the whole day on the couch. I woke up today feeling fine. It beats having the virus.


You probably are just a little too young to get the old person front-of-the-line pass. I was also surprised at where the NYT put me, and read elsewhere that late middle age people were de-prioritized because we donā€™t infect as many people as young adults do. Less mingling on average.

Yes I would!

I heard a rumor from some neighbors of a local hospital giving shots without going on VAMS. I went on the hospitalā€™s site yesterday and scored appointments for DH and me tonight at 9:00 PM!!! That beats the appointments we got through VAMS by five weeks! Once we get the shots tonight, Iā€™ll cancel the appointments through VAMS (if I can figure out how to do that). 9:00 PM is actually my bedtime, but for this event, Iā€™ll stay up late. So excited!!


@LFishback , well good news for our state. They are prioritizing by age. 80+, then 70+, then 65+ and my age group 60+ is up next, and should be next week. (After healthcare workers of course). They originally had essential workers, but our governor said he wants the people who are more prone to die in line first.


Itā€™s really easy. You log into your VAMS account, and ā€œcancel appointmentā€.

:+1: Thx

Thank you to the first people who posted about getting the vaccine because they volunteered at a vaccination site, it got me searching. My last adult child almost became a ā€˜meat popsicleā€™ in his own words, but now has the first dose onboard. Our entire family has now gotten at least a dose, so check out opportunities in your area if you want to up your odds of vaccination.

There havenā€™t been many covid safe-ish in person volunteer opportunities around, it felt good to be doing something helpful and weā€™re all trying to do it regularly. Four of us joined our state Medical Reserve Corps as non-medical volunteers, so you definitely donā€™t have to have medical training to do it.


One day ago, I posted about getting the second shot and having only a sore arm. Well, I spoke too soon. Yesterday, I felt terrible. I slept most of the day, had a queasy stomach, had muscle aches and joint pains. I just couldnā€™t stay awake.

Today I feel better. My husband had no reaction at all.


Thank you for that follow up. Many people taking the Pfizer vaccine have reported few to no side effects. Hopefully I wonā€™t have any for shot #2, but Iā€™m going to plan for the possibility and not expect to get out unscathed. The main symptom you described above that I REALLY hope I donā€™t get is stomach upset. I hate feeling that way! But in any case, it will be worth it to me. Glad you are feeling better now.


In my office, 5 received Pfizer and 5 received Moderna. One person who received Pfizer took the day off of work after both vaccines (extreme sore arm). No one who received Moderna took off of work after the first vaccine but four of the five took the day off after the second vaccine - three because of fever.


I expected the sore arm, but I admit I didnā€™t expect it to be THAT sore! Fortunately, it was gone by Friday (vaccinated on Wednesday).


Still better than getting covid.


For sure.

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My 86 year old FIL did get his, ice storm and all. About 75% of our city lost power, but CVS wasnā€™t cancelling. They have generators. My BIL took him and my FIL said it was super easy, no wait and not a big deal at all. Heā€™s very happy. At one point a few weeks ago he was reluctant so Iā€™m so glad heā€™s changed his mind.


91 y/o Dad had both doses of Pfizer. MIL, age 95, got first Pfizer last weekend - both of them in their respective CCRCs. One sister, a NYC school teacher got her first, as did DD through work. I got my first Moderna through the Medical Reserve Corps the same day I received the county health department email to sign up due to my age.
So far, only sore arms for one day, all around.
Two weeks after my second dose, Iā€™m going to drive 4 hours and visit my Dad.


You get what you get in terms of which brand and what symptoms YOU get. You can take as many polls as you like but only time will tell your results.

Iā€™m not sure why people are so fixated on the symptoms at this point. We know the gamut.

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I was lucky enough to schedule appointments for my in laws the day CT lowered the age requirement to 65, and they are both going in Monday afternoon for their first shot. My parents who are in MA are scheduled to receive their second shots two weeks from tomorrow.

I am really looking forward to when my immediate family can get vaccinated, but I feel so much better that my parents who are in their 80ā€™s and my wifeā€™s parents who are in their early 70ā€™s have started the process!


DH and I got our shots last night at a large local hospital. It was like a party there!! So many people, all so happy to get the shot, and the staff couldnā€™t have been lovelier. And so many staff!! There had people every 20 yards or so directing traffic, to keep the lines moving and people six feet apart. It was impressive.


I guess itā€™s just human nature to want to confirm your side effects are normal. If you suddenly got a weird symptom, it would concern you. At the time of the side effect I suspect I will not be on the internet searching, I already will know the common ones.

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