So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Because I was aware of the possibility of side effects, I was pleased to be able to schedule my vaccine on Sunday, since I am off on Monday and Tuesday. I would hate to have to cancel 10 client appointments on Wednesday because I was not well enough to do them. Extra bonus that I had none beyond a sore arm and a little fatigue.


Iā€™m scheduled for a shot next week in exchange for volunteering to help at a stadium where theyā€™re doing the shots. So for 8 hours Iā€™ll be one of those people directing traffic. Itā€™s a little bit of a catch-22 where you have to be exposed to a ton of people for 8 hours in order to get vaccinated, but I suppose thatā€™s why they want volunteers.

Regardless, Iā€™m super-excited for the opportunity and hereā€™s a phrase I never thought Iā€™d utter, ā€œIā€™m looking forward to seeing my dentist againā€. :sweat_smile: I missed one appointment last year so Iā€™m looking forward to getting back on track after my 2nd shot.


Is be very willing to volunteer at a vaccine site. I guess I need to reach out and figure out how!

Spouse and I are about 10 days post first dose and the relief is really starting to set in. My 77 year old father and 85 yr old MIL are both about 3 weeks post first dose. And Iā€™m seeing increasing commentary that it does seem to reduce transmission. I know we are still waiting on peer reviewed studies but this early info makes me feel even more hopeful.


S21 did this! Here there is no guarantee you will get vaccinated for volunteering, but he was doing it anyway. He loved the experience.


There are currently 605 comments in this thread. I suspect that over 300 (maybe less?) of them are reporting side effects.

I understand that people are excited and want to report their experiences. But do we need hundreds of them? If itā€™s something out of the ordinary, of course.

Thatā€™s all @abasket was trying to convey. Sorry but Iā€™m in her camp.


I like reading what people are experiencing post shots, both good/bad and anything in between. Based upon the title of the thread I donā€™t think such posts are out of line. I think itā€™s human nature to want to share.


I sent you a PM

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My daughter, a first-year medical student in NY, tried to volunteer but no luck.

I volunteer with the Medical Reserve Corps in my county but I had to sign up on the state website. I could not find a state website for New York but found the following for NYC for your daughter. In my search
(medical reserve corps new york state) several county sites came up (in case your daughterā€™ is not in NYC.

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thanks, @mominva. My daughter is in Middletown, NY (Catskill region). I will send her the info.

Thereā€™s an easy solution if someone doesnā€™t want to read about othersā€™ post-vaccination symptoms. :slightly_smiling_face:


My 81 yo mom and her BF in FL got their 2nd Moderna shot yesterday late morning. After the first shot she was extra tired. so I texted her how she was doing this morning. She said yesterday she was a bit dizzy , but this morning she and her BF at the pool and he just swam for 1/2 hour (they are active seniors!). keeping fingers crossed.


Well, you are 100% correct. But then there is the this side. The side of knowing and seeing (in real life and here) people who build anxiety to the point of being afraid and overwhelmed with the ā€œwhat ifā€™sā€ that they decide not to get vaccinated.

The comment came from a place of caring.

But yeah sure, I can close my eyes and look the other way.

My 91 year old mom got her 2nd Pfizer shot 5 days ago. Other than mild discomfort at injection site for 72 hours, no side effects. I got my 2nd Pfizer shot 4 days ago and just like mom could feel mild discomfort at site. H got his when I got mine snd 24 hours afterwards, he ran low grade fever and stayed in bed 18 hours. He was improved after taking a Tylenol and then fine 48 hours after the shot. He tends to feel worse than me after most shots, including shingles vaccines.


My husband got his first shot today (Moderna) at a CVS two hours from our house. He has his followup appt. on March 15 at the same pharmacy. Itā€™s at 5:30 p.m. and 15 minutes from Cape May, so we decided to book a room at a very nice hotel that is eyewateringly expensive during the high season, but not now. It has an excellent restaurant. We are calling it our vaccine vacation.

I had my first shot at a medical center. My experience was better organized than the CVS and the line was not as long (appointment management was better). But I had a Pfizer vaccine, so weā€™ll compare side effects. So far, the only thing heā€™s complaining about is a sore arm.


My college aged daughter just received hers in Houston today. Due to severe winter weather Harris County lost power overnight where they were storing over 8000 doses of the vaccine and then their back up generator failed. They didnā€™t want to toss it so they started trying to figure out where they could send the doses so that it could get into arms by 5pm tonight. They were looking for places that could get to a bunch of people without anyone needing to drive to either get it or administer it. Most were sent to local hospitals and jails but 1000 were given to Rice which is across the street from the Medical Center where they had enough trained students to administer. An email went out to students at about 11am saying they were giving the shots from 11:15 - 5pm on a first come, first served basis. My daughter was out playing in the snow with friends when she got the news and they sprinted across campus. Apparently it was quite the sight to see kids running from all over the place, some in the pjā€™s, to get in line. My D got there fairly early and got her Moderna shot. They were able to distribute all 1000 doses. Disappointing it couldnā€™t go to those higher up on the eligibility list but glad it didnā€™t go to waste!

So far D has a sore arm which seems to be typical. She knows a couple people not feeling well.


Seems like it is pretty cold in Houston these days, but not cold enough for the vaccines to stay fresh by putting them outsideā€¦ hence the ā€œuse them or lose themā€.


@NJSue well love how you are making lemonade out of lemons, a coastal covid vacation! Enjoy the adventure excursion to cape may county.


@PrdMomto1 I just saw that on TV. Iā€™m in Texas, too. I am so glad they didnā€™t let those doses go to waste. And ingenious to think of a close-by college where they could give out a lot without anyone getting on the road.

@abasket I think of the parents on cc as a different lot. I canā€™t imagine anyone on here changing their mind about getting vaccinated because someone else on here ran a fever for 12 hours. I didnā€™t post about my symptoms after the second shot on FB, because I DID think doing so might give that wider type of audience pause. Thatā€™s a nice way of saying many of my HS friends arenā€™t as bright as the cc crowd. :wink:

@NJSue have fun! My DILā€™s parents walked to a little hotel down the street and stayed the night for Valentineā€™s Day. Have fun when and where you can!